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Status Updates posted by GoldenGirl13

  1. Hello you lot xxxx and thanks Sarah had great day and am now officially old and knackered!!

    1. Sarah


      You're back! Glad you had a wonderful day yesterday. x

      Hope to see more of you around, hasn't been the same without Nanna Jo!

  2. Hey Guys!! just popped in for a quick look around and to say Merry Christmas. Lots of love to all, NannaJo xxx

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nicola


      Merry Christmas :D

    3. melbournebetta


      Thanks Nanna Jo! Have a good one.

    4. les


      Merry christmass and a happy new year to you and Owen Nana Joe

  3. Brilliant...slack off for 1 wk due to starting new job, miss 1 dead guppy and I now have raging NTD in the 3ft tank *exits forum mumbling,cursing and crying*

  4. Gunna be one of those days....saw the heading Stocking Suggestions in recently added and first htought was fish nets....

    1. mumofthehoarde
    2. paul


      I don't see a problem with either of those suggestions!!! *wolf-whistles*

  5. Been so long since the last visit it took me 3 attempts to log in!! Nanna Brain is still active!!

    1. Sarah


      Nanna! Been missing you! Glad to see your back. :))

  6. I'M BAAAACK!!

    1. Sarah


      Welcome back - been missing you around here, Jo!

    2. les


      Welcome back Nana Joe its good to see you posting again how is Owen?

  7. Doing delivery and collection for Census for 500 households...starting to feel like 5000...KNACKERED!

  8. Big thank you to Ciao for hassle free delivery of IAL

  9. Official Announcement: I am giving up smoking. Have put away all the ashtrays,tobacco I have left is in a drawer so I don't see it, go outside for a smoke (bloody cold) so smoke less and am not buying anymore. Extra $75 a fortnight for fishy bits!

    1. Sarah


      Congratulations Jo, so great to hear! You'll be so much healthier. x

    2. luv_my_fish


      Great stuff! I quit using Champix about 2 months ago now =)

    3. melbournebetta


      Jo, best thing you'll ever do.


  10. Note to self..."username" is not my username for this forum....

    1. Sarah


      Login: Password - Password.


      Login: Password - incorrect.


    2. little_troppo


      She knows my secret!!!

      When ever I forget my password it tells me :P

  11. Oh Yeah!! New plant s arrived at LFS, guess who's going shopping....again!

    1. Abby


      *Abby like's this*

  12. Head full of snot, all motivation gone, need a servant. Anyone got a spare?

    1. les


      headfull of snot or servant? which do you want spare LOL

    2. GoldenGirl13


      May be from Tassie but am rarity with only one head lol servant please

  13. Just posted links to photos in Nanna's New Tank

  14. Whoohoo!! Tank light for 3ft arrives today. Can put the table lamp back now .

  15. Oh No! I've started a new tank SHHH! Don't tell husband!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hood


      Hahaha, I find myself doing this o my girl all the time. I figure she can't say no once it is already in and set-up... ;)

    3. Hood


      I know it's not right but fish are so addictive.

    4. shadoh


      So, come on... What's in it? You know you'll be asked for photos... :P

  16. Have a great day everyone xxx Jo

    1. Sarah


      Have a great day Jo!

    2. GoldenGirl13


      Why thank you Sarah I did. I got me some YoYo loaches :D

    3. Sarah


      They're so cute! Enjoy them! :D

  17. The search continues... damn Dragonflies!!

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