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Status Replies posted by GoldenGirl13

  1. Hey Guys!! just popped in for a quick look around and to say Merry Christmas. Lots of love to all, NannaJo xxx

    1. GoldenGirl13


      Flat out with work Sarah, hoping things will settle after Xmas and will have some photos to show too xx

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. It has begun!

    1. GoldenGirl13


      I'm with Sarah... I officially hand back title of Photo Nazi!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone got tips for taking pics of fast moving endlers? We got some real nice ones but geeeez they move.

  4. Yeah, I dunno, my fish food is kind of salty

  5. Gone through my 2nd box of tissues in 3 days. Yan doesn't do 'sick' well.

    1. GoldenGirl13


      Sending mental hugs and chicken noodle soup xxxx

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Can someone tell my male Angelfish that he's had pellets, worms AND flake in the last half hour, he should not still be hungry!

    1. GoldenGirl13


      OK but don't think it'll work...alzheimers is a bugger!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Is anyone here good at re-arranging equations? I have one here that is driving me insane!!

    1. GoldenGirl13


      I could re-arrange that for you but you wouldn't be any better off lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. My black dragon female Hua just died, she was my favourite female :( RIP

  9. Head full of snot, all motivation gone, need a servant. Anyone got a spare?

    1. GoldenGirl13


      May be from Tassie but am rarity with only one head lol servant please

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. its always worrying when your fry are the tiny dot stage i can never find them :(

    1. GoldenGirl13


      I used to have trouble finding mine even when they were bigger!! Glasses anyone?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. its always worrying when your fry are the tiny dot stage i can never find them :(

    1. GoldenGirl13


      I used to have trouble finding mine even when they were bigger!! Glasses anyone?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Woke up at 4pm... Oops. I think I slept in a bit? haha.. Not feeling too well. :(

  13. Woke up at 4pm... Oops. I think I slept in a bit? haha.. Not feeling too well. :(

  14. Leaving to pick up my new 4ft marine tank! Can't set it up until I rehome the bettas though

  15. Leaving to pick up my new 4ft marine tank! Can't set it up until I rehome the bettas though

  16. Has anyone been down to Coburg in the last two days? I'm heading down tomorrow - just wondering if anyone knows if its worth my time and money before hand! :)

  17. Has anyone been down to Coburg in the last two days? I'm heading down tomorrow - just wondering if anyone knows if its worth my time and money before hand! :)

  18. Common sense, it's really not common.

  19. Common sense, it's really not common.

  20. Not having a good day. My 16y/o cat, Sylvester is in a bad way. He is displaying the same symptoms my other elderly cat did this time last year. She had a failed liver and had to be put down. Going to the vet at 11. Wish us luck...

  21. Not having a good day. My 16y/o cat, Sylvester is in a bad way. He is displaying the same symptoms my other elderly cat did this time last year. She had a failed liver and had to be put down. Going to the vet at 11. Wish us luck...

  22. My housemate's cat... just... SHAT on my BED!!! While I was in it!! This is why i own only fish and amphibians!!!!

  23. My housemate's cat... just... SHAT on my BED!!! While I was in it!! This is why i own only fish and amphibians!!!!

  24. My housemate's cat... just... SHAT on my BED!!! While I was in it!! This is why i own only fish and amphibians!!!!

  25. new tanks almost cycled, all fishus doig well!

    1. GoldenGirl13


      glad you fixed that typo...thought you had a cold!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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