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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Lol. Mine think whenever I come near they will be fed. They eat the black worms from the end of the syringe. I will do my best to grow em out. Nothing I have seen since compares to my red rockets though. I think it was in the fishes genes, not anything I did that caused the growth. :-)
  2. Male had a good feed of black worms in between caring for his nest. Never had a boy interested in food before but I am happy to feed him if he's hungry. Hopefully less temptation to snack on the eggs. All good so far.
  3. Welcome to the forum. That sized tank is too small for even one Oscar. My advice is do a bit of research and decide what you want to do with the tank, planted with tetras or dwarf cichlids, apistos ect, as example. Then visit your local aquarium to see what they have that you want, take in photos of your fish and organise a trade swap. You won't get much for them though. That's business. Welcome to the forum and good luck.
  4. Thanks Paul. I had to remove the girl from the tank as they were flaring at each other via reflection under the divider. She is now in the barracks. :-) The nest was destroyed by the time they finished and all the eggs were lumped together with a few bubbles. This morning we have 1/3 bubble coverage of the lid and the eggs are more evenly spread out. He is doing all the right things. Will be keeping a very close eye on him and I will not remove him unless I see him snacking. Would very much like to do a father-with fry again. @Les....I am over massive spawns, small spawns are my goal.
  5. Have to dig out the Brisbane Betta Steroids again. Lol.
  6. Thanks everyone. Just hoping for tails now. :-)
  7. Thanks Ness. Does feel good to be back in the saddle (so to speak). This will be the first Splendens fry in the house for over 12 mths. Just had no luck at all. Must be honest though, had a rough 12 mths with "life", you know, the bumpy patches, and havent really put in the time or effort. The boy didn't really rate a mention in the show but the girl scored 3rd. One of her faults was "too gravid", guess I can't argue now. Lol.
  8. All over. She is enjoying a big feed of live black worms and looks to have zero damage. :-). Can't see heaps of eggs but there is a definite patch. Fins crossed for tails.
  9. Yep. They have it worked out. He gets as many as he wants and leaves the rest. While he puts that lot in the nest, she cleans up what's left. Haven't seen her put them in the nest either but not to worried. He is collecting more than enough. :-)
  10. Good score mate. He looks very neat. Hope you have some luck I the spawn tank. :-)
  11. Collecting eggs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE6qD85pI7c&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  12. We have eggs. :-). Should have got that mw culture last night. Damn.
  13. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, have been here before with no result (different fish though). Don't think these guys would grow quick enough for Sept show. Just be happy to have a spawn again. :-)
  14. This is my new pair. Female won 3rd place in the recent show. The boy has blue coming through now on his fins. Was almost completely white when I bought him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkfwC4amfww&feature=youtube_gdata_player It's been so l long since I saw a good wrap I forgot how beautiful it is. He had been very gentle, was very agro before I released her but neither fish has any damage yet. No eggs yet but they are wrapping non stop. :-)
  15. Fletch

    F. Striatum

    That's great Les. :-)
  16. I use Aqua One barracks (x2) and coke bottles for extras. :-)
  17. Very nice. I also want to comment on your tanks, love them. Can't wait for a photo of him at full flare. :-). Glad to see you got him a girl.
  18. We are having a meeting next Tuesday night to discuss the next show and debrief this one. After we usually go on an after hours shopping spree in Fishchicks. Her shelves are usually full of nice fish. :-)
  19. Lmao @SFF. Very funny. Have fun guys, saw photos last time and I would love a tour of the fish room. Almost makes me want to brave the cold and come down......almost. :-)
  20. Lol. It won't cost you the price of your Macs, that's for sure.
  21. Good call Ashley. I didn't think of that. If its a canister filter, rinse out WELL before turning it on in your tank. Learnt this one the hard way. :-)
  22. Twenty is fine as it would be a slow drop. Do as Ness said, bit of salt and look out for trouble. A thick blanket would help as well, thrown over tank at night. My mates power is now back on after 22hrs so hopefully yours is too. :-)
  23. If you have some foam laying around, stick this to the sides and front. Will minimise heat loss at least. Other than an open fire to heat the room but unless you Margret River way, I doubt you would have one. They should be ok. Good luck. :-)
  24. Love the photos and clips. Thanks mate. Agree with Sarah, some beautiful fish we got together. Was any locally bred other than your girl? You did well for your first show buddy.
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