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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Sarah, I am sorry that they replied like that. I am confused as well. I would not worry too much about it. Just between you and me, I think they are confused as well.

    Sure that they know who the true " monsters" are.

    Not sure if someone would like them in her shop unless they walk in with an open mind and are at least willing to try and educate themselves.

    I don't think anyone on this forum would condone mistreatment of any animal. No one here likes to see fish in tiny cups. But to expect any business to be able to house these fish for sale, the way they suggest, would be impossible.

    To be honest, my fish might not have the biggest living conditions (smallest tank I have is 4.5 ltr) but they are treated better than some people treat there kids. Best food possible, plenty of water changes and lots of plants.

    Guess I am just trying to say that they do have some good intentions but not looking at the big picture realistically.

    Would love to give them a large spawn to raise to maturity. Imagine having three or four going at once!!!!!!!

    I know it's hard Sarah, but these people have never met you. DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY.

  2. Hmmmmmm............... Think I might have to stick to a few really nice pairs and see if I can keep em going. Going to lose the luxury of choice. Very sad really. Twenty years time, people will still have tanks but they will all have the same fish in each tank!!!!! That will really take a away the best part of fish keeping. Today, everyone has there own style. You keep what YOU like and sometimes you get away with breaking rules. Eg. My father had breeding Frontosia, Red Devils, Parrots ect all in community tank. Not many babies survived but his tank ran smoothly for many many years.

  3. Have bred cichlids of random pairs since I was a kid. Now into Bristlenose, Peppermint Bristlenose and Royal Whiptail catfish. Always liked Betta but wasn't really keen on the "work" side of it. Mainly raising fry. A lot more information available now. Back then it was all trial and error.

    Have now just had my first spawn and fry doing well!!! :-)

    Best part is that my five yr old son is taking a real intrest in our pair. He loves watching the fry grow and change.

  4. I agree with above points. Spent many years working in commercial fishing game all over Australia so understand the importance of keeping our wildlife safe.

    What I can't believe is that the industry as a whole is not funding the research for an argument.

    It should not be up to one small importer, one shop or one chat room. A lot money is made out of the industry and I would have thought that they would want to protect it.

    One final point. ....... If research was done and the results came back that this really was the best way and safest way to protect our natural wildlife, I would support it. I just don't see the evidence put forward for there case. But can't argue point as we have no research data.

    Sorry, will get off soapbox now. Just frustrated.

  5. Am I correct in saying that all that really has to be done is to prove that the virus us already here? If it is so prominent overseas why wouldn't it already be here.

    If this is the case, why isn't the industry collectively testing fish that are here now? The sure would have access to sick or diseased fish that are already dead or need to be put to rest. Wouldn't this be cheaper for the industry in the long run?

    Please correct me if I am on wrong path. Seems to obvious to me. Am I missing something?

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