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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. That's what I was wondering about. Will go see if I can find a cheap pump with a simple sponge filter. Going to Bunnings.

    Just a quick thought, if I packed around each jar with filter wool and used this to stop them seeing each other, would this then be a simple filter. Would this work?

  2. Ok, this may be silly but would prefer to ask silly question than make silly mistake.

    First spawn in jars and very labour intensive doing water changes. My thought is to use a styrofoam box with two ltr coke bottles in it. With this a third full of water (heater in box) and a pump to circulate the water back into jars. The jars would have a hole in back so overflow runs back into box.

    Question, is it ok for the water to drip into top of jars? Will this circulate water in bottom of jar?

    Will this mean less water changes as no filtration will be done?

    And lastly, not much light will be on the fish. Is this ok.

    Thanks guys and gals.

  3. We may have to do a swap of some fry. I really want to mix it up a bit after watching your spawn. Not complaining, as beautiful as my fish are, all fry look the same. Ya or not, I don't know. Just want to get a bit of varity. Do you have a female ct with those colours?

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