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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. She was never an unhappy fish. I have mentioned her before and stated that it didn't bother her or slow her down. Don't know how she will go when it comes time to wrap but deformity so close to tail you might be lucky.

    All the best with them Jarrod, hope you have as much luck with them as I have. Will be great to see some better quality photos of them than I can produce.

    That first female seems a bit washed out. She will show LOTS more color as she settles in. Looking good Jarrod.

  2. wow that is an amazing fish. Thanks Jarrod. How are your new additions going. Feel very sad to see them go but happy that they have gone to a good home......

    Will watch the dt now with interest, thought these fish were deformed. Lol.

  3. Does this exist? Does anyone have one? I do believe that my Red Rocket CT have produced some dt fry!!

    Would be a weird looking fish. Mine very are the slow growers and most are female i think. One male one so will keep on eye in thus one.

  4. So what your saying Jarrod, is that my New Years resolution to become an "Approved SFCA Breeder" is in jepody? Would buy each one a ten ltr tank with filter and heater but I can't afford it. Lol. Plus don't have enough power points in the whole house for that!!!!!! Ha ha.

  5. Ha ha ha. Caught the bug. Breeding on a small scale? Wish I could tell mine how many fry to have..........they just don't listen.

    I do fortune reading on the side and will offer you a look into the future............

    In the near future I can see LOTS of containers all over your house. Water, water everywhere. You are so busy, no time for anything else, water changes to be done. Quick I still have to organize a fresh batch of BBS. your friends eyes glaze over whenever they talk to you because you only talk about fish. Oh, forgot about new barracks system I am going to build, how do I do that? Where was I?

    Oh, that's right, welcome to our world!!!!!!

  6. Welcome fellow Queenslander (go the blues in state of origin ), Fishchicks is a great place to start. You could always look in Fishy Showroom and see who is breeding what in you local area and get some of there babies. There are a few of us breeding some nice fish in Brissie. If you see something you like, get in touch with them and I am sure they will help you out. Bit cheaper too.

    Anyway, welcome and enjoy. Ask away with questions, always someone with a good idea or advice.

  7. Not too worried about adding water. Not a hassle now I just add to tub. Guess I will be ok with humidity now in summer but in winter that would be an issue. Will figure something out by then. Do have the lid to box so I could cut out two holes and cover with glass. Just worried about light. Don't want to put a light over them, running out of power points.

    Also being in styrofoam box should help with heat retention but I guess no lid will greatly reduce that benefit.

  8. It is inside and I do live in Brisbane so wasn't going to worry about a lid. Should I ???????? Is humidity that important if not breeding???? What about winter when no humidity????? So many more things to worry about!!!!!!!!

    Would have though it would be too dark with a lid unless you had a BIG hole in it, then why bother with the lid.

    My next step was another box joined with a hose and larger pump so can heat only one tank with one filter drip feeding both boxes.

  9. @Paul....... Your right, two ltr bottles. Never drunk so much of the stuff. Don't need sleep anymore. Got photo of setup I came up with in equipment forum.

    To be honest regarding 180 degree caudals, probably not. I don't think parents are full HM. Very close though. These guys still got a fair bit of growing yet. Only 9 wks old so I don't think they are at full potential. All detail on fins is there, just needs to grow. Have only just started to see these guys flaring. Few are making bubble nest now though. Very cute.

  10. Great ideas. I set it up today with a little internal filter that I am using as a pump for drip system. Didn't think it would be big enough. It works a treat.

    From memory you can by sheets if the scourer that Lilli suggested and cut to size. Love the idea and will think more about it.

    My guys are loving there new home. :-)

  11. Just set up drip system in styrofoam box today. Now that are jarred are now drip fed. Lots less work. Tried to get some photos, not easy. Best I could do.

    Pls note, the blue you can see in the tails us only visible when the light is the correct way. Don't see it very often and not as bright as in photos. I had a tourch in my hand to try and improve colour of fish.

    Add a comment and I will add more.




  12. Mine still have that variation. Most are in jars now but small ones still small??? Have heard somewhere that these grow into the best fish but waiting to see that for myself. I only got 14 out of my first attempt but over 70 easily this time. Good luck with the babies.

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