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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. These taken this morning. Female easy, male impossible. He puts on show at back of tank and minute I put camera down, he comes to the front. I truely believe he is messing with my head!!!!!!!

    Female first





    Funny that these guys are the slowest growing. More color but not much growth in past week. Normal ones booming.

  2. Sorry, don't understand. You are doing water changes every two days with a good filter running? Why? What don't I know? My fry tank gets about a third changed twice a week and that only has sponge filter. Do bottles every two days but not tanks with filters.

    Want to see plans for barrack system. In process of turning cupboard with fry tank on it to a barracks. Not sure how many will fit but hoping for about 18.

  3. Any chance you can take a photo of the overflow from beanie box? Looking at doing something a bit smaller but same idea. Thought you were going to use guttering for overflow. What changed your mind?

    Where did you get your beanie boxes from and how much?

    Cheers mate. Great setup.

  4. Quick update. Check styrofoam box for leaks. Have noticed this morning that floor was wet. Not complaining considering the weather up north.

    After further investigation, there seems to be the slowest leak possible in one corner. Carpet drenched.

    Am now using same setup in a tank I had spare. Very lucky that it all fit in tank with no adjustments.

  5. Sponge filter pumps water from back section to top left side. Water passes through to back section through right hand side at the bottom corner. This is photo from left side of tank. Sump on left.


    Hope you can make sense of it.

  6. This was my old breeding tank but now using it as display tank.


    This is dad. Loving it. Very macho.


    And this is the lucky boy. He is in heaven. Loves playing in the current. Won't sit still. Only been in an hour and both there color has just intensified so quickly.


    Hope you enjoy.

  7. Yea, that's him. She still a bit washed out but we shall see what tomorrow brings. Think there might have been another male in with the females....... All jarred now so will wait and see. Thinking about moving young fry and setting up display tank. Bit early I know but............

  8. Best photos I could get. Only jarred a few hours ago and big difference in color and behavior. Did not realize the change would be so dramatic with the girls untill I saw Jarrods happen before our eyes.

    All photos of male. Not sure if split is even. Sometimes looks good, sometimes not so good. Will have to wait unti he flares I think.

    Female looks very even. Can't get photo yet as a bit shy.




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