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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. All good. Just stress as I am responsible for my pets living conditions. Hate not knowing what's going on.

    Done w/c. Still orange. Set other tank up ready to split spawn but will wait until water issue is sorted.

    Thanks. Beer o clock.

    Checked again this morning. Still orange. Fish seem ok which is the main thing.

  2. Bottom of sponge filter all good. Water almost orange.

    I have taken the plant out and got it in a bucket to see what happens. All fish seem ok. Will do another third water change tonight. Ya. Hate to sit down and relax!!!!!!

    So p#%*@& off. Can't be anything else.

    Hope not algal or bacteria bloom. Never seen anything like it before and that tank has been running for months. Only new addition plant a couple of weeks ago.

  3. Yea, he has sprouted a little but his color is so much deeper now. His anal fin has a curl on a few of the extensions and his tail not really split even. But she has real good looking finnage. Is it true her finnage is more important when breeding? Sure I read that somewhere.

    They don't seem to grow as quick as others. All brothers and sisters a lot bigger. Yours for example.

  4. I didn't test water before water changes. With the water changes, I would have thought it would have cleared a bit. Have lost two fry recently but no other losses or symptoms. Thought this could have been from underfeeding as i cant seem to keep the food up to them. Also vacum bottom of tank every second day. The tank doesn't get much light, no natural light and weak bedside lamp beside tank. Might just be extract.

    Only two small spots of metal exposed so not like car

    rusting on the bottom of the tank.

    Is it dangerous to the fish??

  5. As said above. This in my fry tank. Am using Ketapang extract but have cut down as I thought I was going overboard. Last two days I have done big water changes with aged water and less extract.

    Thing is color still strong. I have had a good look at plant and you can see where leaves have been snapped off and metal exposed to water. Fish can't scratch themselves.

    Would this stain the water? Is it safe for fish?



  6. That truly is incredible. Never seen anything like it. Must be frustrating at the same time though, watching a beautiful fish that you like turn into something totally different. Works other way though too, I guess.

    Do they finally stop changing or do they do this all there life? Sounds like a stupid question, even as I type it but I don't know........

  7. @Shadoh. You already have a pair. Haha. May have to get you over to verify count. Lol.

    As I start jarring in next few weeks I should be able to get a count. If I have any loses, I still will count these. Closest gets a pair but you do have to pick them up.

    Over 95 and Jo wins. Below 82 Jarrod. Unless Sarah wants 80.

    Game on.

  8. I have cheap internal filter as well. I found the same as you with my canister and just monitored water, cleaned holes in spray bar, made sure hoses arent blocked with algae and persisted. Bacteria should break down the waste. I found I needed the internal for current more than anything and i clean this out every two weeks with water change.

  9. Mate, I have a pleco, one adult male peppermint and a pair of breeding normal bristlenose with babies and I STILL have this problem. My tank is very heavily planted as well though. I was told to cut down nutrient amount but noticed plants showing negative effect before algae.

    Needless to say, I live with it.

    Forgot a pair of royal whiptails as well.

    Would love to know how to get rid of it.

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