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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. ROFL @Sarah.

    @Neffy, know what you mean. I have heard it's a LOT harder to maintain a balance within the tank. Sooooo many beautiful fish though.

    @Yan............. How many ltr is it? And filtration? You getting corals as well? Will be watching with interest. Please keep us informed of your progress. Might try myself one day.

  2. Just want to say thankyou to EVERYONE on here.

    My second lot of fry is six weeks (as you all know :-) ) and in reality, without everyones help and ideas, I would not have been very successful. Sometimes it's an obvious problem but you just don't see it. You need someone else to point out the obvious. Example, Shadoh telling me to split fry into two tanks. I forgot I had a spare tank because I was using it with a drip system for my 11 week olds. Bettarazzi for telling me to clean sponge filter. Duh.

    My father was a fish nut ( still is but fights it ) and he tried Bettas but had no luck as no info was available. After half a dozen failures, gave up out of frustration. Doesn't like to fail and kill helpless fry either.

    So, forgive my verbal dribble, but please accept my thanks for all your help. I would not have done it without you all.


  3. Got home and straight into it. Caught 2/3 of them and floated these in two coke bottles in spare tank. Over one hour slowly add tank water to bottles and release these.

    Did third water change in original fry tank, rinsed out sponge filter and I must say, after a couple of hours, it looks a lot better.

    Think I was lucky, sponge was filthy. Does a lot better job than I gave it credit for. First time I have used one. Always had canister filters.

    Thank you everyone. Think I needed to separate them anyway and was about to do it.

  4. Just tested water. Have been doing at least 30% min water change each day.

    Ammonia just registered. Aprox 0.05 mg/l. Half way between first color rise.

    Nitrate. Nil

    Nitrate. Nil

    I think I can see tiny specks in the mirth. Not sure. Like pea soup. Fish seem fine. No losses. Never experienced anything like it.

    Ps. The bucket with fake plant soaking in it is still clear......,..,....

  5. Risks with both those options but I guess I have to do something. Netting will transfer sone water so if it's bacterial it will happen to new tank too. Since I put powerhead on, tank now really murky. Just see rear of tank. Have just turned sponge filter on to full last week, wonder if that could be feeding a sudden flush of whatever it is? Just wild guesses now.

  6. Help.................got home, tank orange and water looks thick. Fish all seem ok? What's going on???????

    Doing water change and putting in an internal filter with carbon only. Original sponge still running.

    Paul, now considering all options.

    Algal bloom............... Tank gets poor light. Could this be a factor? Why and how has this happened and what to do about it?

    Bacterial............. As above. This sounds more scary.

    I could net fry and put them into another tank and clean the one there in. This would still transfer to other tank?

    Normaly transfer 50% water with fry when I move.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I am at a loss. Just lucky fish not affected. Photo below


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