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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Thankyou Volvodriver. Very well put and this is what I will now give people to read after they have bought a fish, I have told them what to do and how to keep them happy, they then go to LFS and question everything I have told them. Waiting for the call now to say they are having problems. :-(. Just so annoying.

  2. Just got given a complete setup. Missing lids. Comes with heater, internal filter, 2 airpumps. I have two tanks for grow out stages so was thinking of a small pair of cichlids. Want something that will grow with parents.

    Any ideas???

    Size. 50 cm L x 30 W x 40 H.

  3. Lol at tanks...........the fish are the ones that need the sunglasses!!!!!!! Don't know what to say Jarrod, try to forget about them, move on, plenty more to come, only the first of many you will sell all sound good........but I know how you would feel.

    Regarding looking after these guys, if you did what we do to these fish (eg 100% W/C daily) every day and did that to any other fish I have kept before, they would be dead in a week. Easy for some one with limited experience to get the message wrong or be unsure after talking to others with limited experience but different fish.

  4. Run Dale, run now. Before you no it, you will have one tank with your angels breeding away and only ONE pair of betta but your house will be covered with two ltr come bottles.........don't say I didn't warn you.

    Welcome, enjoy a look around.


  5. Steady at about 28. Thought I could see a bit of green amongst the brown with the clump I put in community tank. Might be kidding myself as well. Maybe a lack of food?

    Not really concern, more annoyed that it keeps dying for me ( never had it in community tank before ) and everything I read says you can't kill it.

    @Flamedragon..............thanks for the compliment. It is my pride and joy. Bit neglected at the moment as my hands are full with two betta spawns.

  6. It's been in the tank since my last spawn (about six weeks). My last lot did it too. Might buy some more and put it in community tank and see how it goes. Does the same in bottles. Have no problem with any other plants, just not this. That annoys me even more.

    Do you think it is beyond recovery?

  7. This Is my display Betta tank. Little bit of Java Fern as well but one small piece only. No other plants. No chemicals added to this tank. No fertilizers either. No co2. Nothing. Has two foot light with good globe in it.

    This also happened to my moss in two ltr bottles which got little light. Thought that was the problem but happened in display tank now.

    @holycow...........won't be able to save it?

  8. Help. All going brown. Is in my display betta tank. Good light, no nutrients. Have now move a clump to community tank to see if I can revive it. Very brown. This tank gets co2 and nutrients. Is it too late? Everything I read says you can't kill it. I knew I had talent!!!! :-D





    Any ideas. I love plants and take pride in my community tank. What am I doing wrong.

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