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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Found this tonight above water line in the tank with the white fry. Will just leave them there and see what happens, I guess.
  2. I want more of that song. Lol. Stunning fish. Good luck Ness. :-)
  3. Some great looking fish mate. Can't believe that you are publicly stating what you want to enter in the show.........that's always been a bad omen.
  4. Best part of this show is EVERYONE can enter fish. Man, I can't wait to bench in, stand back and take it all in. Ps. We are promoting this on as many sites and as much as possible. Feel free to copy and use elsewhere, on line or by flyers in your LFS. We would greatly appreciate the support. :-)
  5. Yes. Seperated immediately. Let them recover, lots of live food and try again. Did you use a chimney? Did both the fish show positive signs before you released them together? Welcome to the forum. Now you are a member you will be able to post in other threads. There is a strong Betta group in melb (Vic bettas??) so I am sure they will help you. Ps. We all love photos. :-)
  6. Well done Jarrod. Glad it's all finally official. :-)
  7. Great idea. Red of course. Lol. Loving your zebra. :-)
  8. This forum is truly on a downward slide if both Ness and Jarrod start chroming. See enough of this crap at work.
  9. The winners fish were kept in buckets, daily wc for first month then someone got slack (her words, not mine). These guys had a continual supply of live black worms. There were always live worms on the bottom of the buckets.
  10. This was so much fun. It was amazing looking at the range of results we got. I think we all enjoyed it and everyone had a even shot at winning but either way we all learnt something. Thank you Jarrod for doing this competition and a great job on the ribbons and prizes. My ribbon and certificate are already on display. :-)
  11. Ps. Neither of my two boys have ventrals and one has deformed pectorals. He was my favourite. What's the freak show prize??? Lol
  12. Lol. Wish mine was bigger. :-(. Looking forward to the meeting.
  13. Great looking fish. :-)
  14. You can, not sure how it is done. I think you can "ignore" people, as far as I was led to believe, you don't even see their posts. :-)
  15. That HM pair I got off you are small but she has dropped eggs???? Going to wait a little while before I attempt them but if she has eggs, that means they could do it?? Not sure if he would be up to his role.
  16. Looking very nice. Are you harvesting eggs?
  17. Thanks mate. Wish I could catch her true color..........
  18. It took me a long time to try them but now I love em. I usually buy $5 worth each time I go to Fishchicks. Even my community tank gets them. Lol.
  19. Sounds like you will have little fry around the tank. Look close around your filter and cover intake if you have a canister type. :-)
  20. I am extremely grateful to Jim and must say the fish were packed perfectly (I took notes lol) and the quality and health of the fish is top notch. I have seen quite a few pairs that Jarrod has purchased from Jim and the fish have always arrive safely and in good health. I must say, in the time I have been associated with this site (18 mths??), I have met some wonderful people from almost every state in Australia. In this time, on numerous occasions, from many different people, you see random acts of kindness. Such acts can really have a profound effect on the other person. SHARE THE LOVE. :-)
  21. Ok. The boy is how he looks. Metallic Grizzled CT ?? Not sure if Jim knew of my relationship with marbles but this boy is amazing. I think these fish mack a fantastic pair and can't wait to see the results. :-) Again, this guy refuses to sit still.
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