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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Got me Yan.......... Would have no idea. When I set this up the idea was "easy to look after" . Love planted tanks so I decided on basic Tetras. Was more interested in catfish. The tank has just become what it is slowly. If I like a fish in my LFS and I think it will be ok, I buy it. Have made some incorrect choices along the way ( don't we all ) but learn from them and try again. Just a peaceful tv really.
  2. No Betta in this tank. Maybe put a few female in there later. Male would not survive I don't think, not ct anyway. Rummynose would love him to death I am sure. Glimpse of Peppmint In last photo and baby normal bristlenose in front of Pleco in third pic. Can you see it. That big one is a Brazillian Highfin Pleco. Only baby now. Beautiful fish. Too big really for tank but got him very small and don't want to part with him. Going to have to soon though. It will be a sad day. :-(
  3. Hey guys, now I can post photos I thought I would post these. Mainly Tetra tank but have soft spot fir catfish. What you can't see us Royal Whiptail , Peppermint and normal Bristlenose. Over 60 fish in tank at last count. Hope you like them
  4. No rest for dad yet. He is very busy. At least he comes to say hi now. ( I know, not me, it's food he wants and gets mind you). Not jarring yet. They are playing nice. A nip here and there but I an keeping a close eye on them.
  5. Here's Dad. Please note newly hatched fry on java fern. Lots and lots this time. This is my fav. Colour so intense and like it's shape.
  6. Yea, thanks guys. I would say they will be all the same colour, Sarah. In photo the older ones are the red ones, others still catching up!!! My new batch has hatched. Lots of tails. At what age do I sell them? Only have 14 left of first batch. Two are deformed, five are spoken for and we will just have to wait and see what's left. Thanks guys.
  7. Lots and lots of bbs. Only used mw and bbs. The bigger ones now eating bloodworms and crushed up dry food. I feel very proud!!!! :-)) Thankyou for all you help Shadoh.
  8. Here is a photo of the male. Hoping this works. Can someone let me know if you could view it and it will put some more of the pair and fry. Hey it worked. Here is more And fry. Born 28 oct.
  9. Thanks guys. Will try to work it out and post some pics of my parents and fry.
  10. Can this be done??????? I can't seem to do it. Any help would be good. Have 3G iPhone ( not the new one) Thanks
  11. Well done!! I have never had any luck with rams. Beautiful fish. Good luck with fry.
  12. Thankyou. Showed this to my wife......... suddenly I am not so bad with tanks, microworms,bbs,cat,guinea pig. Just need to threaten the idea of two or three spawns going at once and she starts to sweat and get shakes.........ha ha Thankyou. This proves I am not so bad.
  13. Beef heart fed to fish DOES increase the growth rate and colour. Downside is it is said to cause liver and kidney problems and shortens the life expectancy quite a bit. NOT RECOMMENDED. I grew up in a house with an 8th x 3rd x 3rd full of chiclids. My father used to feed beefheart twice a week for years. When he stopped using this lots of little problems that he had with the fish disappeared. With the quality of food available at your lfs, it's not really necessary. Only my advice Sorry. 8ft x 3ft x 3 ft tank.
  14. Could be low oxygen or they could have a gill problem. Are the gills red? Would do water change and treat with multicure which covers most things. I would do it asap as more fish will follow. If gills are burnt due to ammonia then not much you can do. :-( Good luck
  15. Congratulations. I have them breeding in community tank and getting them to stop is the trick! I find that a good pellet food is really enough but I like to spoil my fish so they get bs and bloodworms. You can shine a tourch without spooking him. You can even pick up log and move it and he won't budge. Just remember that babies like to eat. Most people kill them by starvation in first two weeks. Lots of food and watch water quality. I find that to get them motivated, big water change just before full moon works. Good luck :-) Ps. Betta fry much harder to raise. Ha ha
  16. Clown loaches worked the best for me. Pakistani loaches did not work for me. A pair of clowns and all gone in a few weeks. Used fish trap made from coke bottle to catch them and remove. I have 3 ft, heavily planted (can't see back of tank) community tank and this worked for me. Best of luck. I hate them as well.
  17. Thankyou for your help. It really is a godsend to be able to tap into like minded peoples experiences and ideas. Keep up the good work everyone. :-).
  18. someone at Fishchicks is fanastic. At what age do I start on the bbs? Only have small spawn as I did separate female to early and have made a few mistakes. Too impatient. Really got no idea on how many as I have too much java fern and floating plants in with them. Also work long hours and have to convince my poor wife to help out with feeds. Will micro worms be enough until they are old enough for blood worms? What about frozen bbs?
  19. Hi guys, i am a new member and have just bred a pair of Red Rocket Crowntails that i purchsed in Brisbane. These are my first attempt and i must say i was quite surprised to find myself with a spawn so early.. . They are now almost a week old and have been eating microworms.. Now what??? Bit wary of BBS, not really sure why, guess its because brine/saltwater, betta fresh.. Is this fear founded??? Also have to consider my poor wife who has endured my community tank for years and now has 4 more tanks in the kitchen plus three worm cultures.... Anyway, just wanted to say hi, been getting a lot of help through the forums so far and any advice will be appreciated...
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