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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. That's what I was wondering about. Will go see if I can find a cheap pump with a simple sponge filter. Going to Bunnings. Just a quick thought, if I packed around each jar with filter wool and used this to stop them seeing each other, would this then be a simple filter. Would this work?
  2. Please, anyone? Want to do this on wed. Is this ok for the fish?
  3. Ok, this may be silly but would prefer to ask silly question than make silly mistake. First spawn in jars and very labour intensive doing water changes. My thought is to use a styrofoam box with two ltr coke bottles in it. With this a third full of water (heater in box) and a pump to circulate the water back into jars. The jars would have a hole in back so overflow runs back into box. Question, is it ok for the water to drip into top of jars? Will this circulate water in bottom of jar? Will this mean less water changes as no filtration will be done? And lastly, not much light will be on the fish. Is this ok. Thanks guys and gals.
  4. Thanks. Now understand how you got so much variety.
  5. Any chance you can put up some photos of the parents please. I would be really interested to see them. Thanks
  6. Got spawn log going with new fry. At least 60 in next lot. Doing well. Thanks Shadoh.
  7. Don't know if anyone looking but here is some more taken this morning Armless
  8. Hey mate. Loved Fremantle. Welcome to the forum. Sure you will find lots of useful info here.
  9. Put these two in a divided display tank. No heater. One has no ventral fins. He shall be know know as " Armless". This is the stand off. Should I card them? Only just separated.
  10. We may have to do a swap of some fry. I really want to mix it up a bit after watching your spawn. Not complaining, as beautiful as my fish are, all fry look the same. Ya or not, I don't know. Just want to get a bit of varity. Do you have a female ct with those colours?
  11. When were this lot born. Love Angus. Attitude as well as good looks, bit like me!!!!!!!!! Hahaha
  12. If that's where your interest is, get those fish!!! Tust me when I say, untill you do, nothing else will satisfy. :-).
  13. For more photos. Been flicking between forums all day. Waiting for promised updates. Love to view changes
  14. She is not the only one waiting. :-)
  15. Feel a bit cheated I must say...... So much variety. The changes that are happening to individual fish is just amazing. Mine all turning out the same, of course. Might try different pairing next time. Very jealous.
  16. Have a look at my 3ft tank in fishy showroom. Easy to look after, always busy, no agro and I find it very relaxing. Best part is if you spend $50 on fish, makes a huge difference to tank. $50 on cichlids wont get you many fish. Plus you will probably buy small cichlids which you have to wait for them to colour up. As fish get older and more territorial, it gets harder to add fish. I breed catfish which keeps it interesting for me as well. Most important thing to remember is, it's your tank, do what you want and enjoy it.
  17. Just don't rush it. Not like you are rushing it though. You will never get it perfect. Fish have personalities too. Type of fish may be ok, but someone might not tell the individual fish. It takes time. Just be patient and enjoy. I thought you were going into Tetras and barbs? Depends on what you want. Look around at different setups, find one you like, and copy it.
  18. Trying to convince wife to let me buy a friends 4th x 2 x 2. Not having much luck as just started spawning betta and now have so many tanks ( even one hidden in car that she doesn't know about yet :-). ) that it is getting ridiculous. She has even banned them from our bedroom. hahaha
  19. Shop will be sold out of females pretty quick once we figure out where. Be a mad race to be first one there. Hahaha. :-)
  20. Used aquarium gravel that I was given with tank. Has shell grit mixed in it which not good for ph level but use buffer for that. Try and keep at around neutral. Use Seachem Flourish, use both complete supplement once or twice a week and Liquid Co2 every few days. Once every 12 mths I might get a boost fertilizer but don't seem to need it. I throw lots out now that is full and growing well.
  21. Me too. Wouldnt mind a bag of those females!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Don't worry about it Sarah, yesterday I was talking to someone at work and someone else piped up with the same comment. Only really interesting to others that like fish. You just have to not let it rule your life............ Unlike me at the moment.
  23. Right, back to someone Lea for some new fish........ Thanks for that. Very nice collection. Love that red. So bright. Are they always able to see each other? Ps glad you got up. Was waiting last night for more.
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