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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Sorry I can't help.

    I just wonder why would you go through all this? I would do a massive wc and throw in a dozen decent sized feeder fish for a few weeks. Or just stock tank slowly with what you want. With regular wc and weekly monitoring water conditions, you should be able to seed a new tank safely.

    Ps, where are you located?

  2. I was in a LFS yesterday to buy some color for my community tank and the ladie asked me what I had in the tank. I couldn't remember, lol. Plants was all I could think of. :-).

    Anyway, bought 8 Serpae Tetra and when nothing else I want, I grab 4-5 Rummynose. Got home and released them in the tank and suddenly it hit me, I could barely see any fish as the plants were taking over. Seriously, I had two swords that when I cut them out, it was like holding a bunch of flower it was so thick. That was the left side clear.

    On the right I had some wood with Jave fern attached. The wood disappeared long ago. I removed Java fern and this is what I got. This was 1 bunch, couldn't see through it, from substrate to surface.


    Now I am half way through wc and I can see my fish. :-). I have a large school of R/nose now with the biggest ones being 2-3 years old. Ram boy still thin but they seem to be doing well. Saw them defending random spots around the tank last week. My scissor tails must be 4-5 years old now as they were the first fish introduced. :-).

    Angels were laying eggs amost every three weeks but certain I had two girls. Lost one recently for an unknow reason and now other one looks a bit suss, almost lonely??

    All in all, a great success, I am very lazy with this tank and always looks good. Very harmonious most times and haven't had any outbreaks of disease. Haven't really lost many fish but tetras don't live too long. Do they?

  3. Relax mate, this has not turned into anything other than a discussion. :-). You know my thoughts on all these issues.

    I am just putting ideas out there. We want the club to be inclusive to all including imported fish but does this put local breeders off? How do we overcome this issue? Why does it put people off? Ect ect.

  4. That was more like 5c mate. Lol.

    This is not just about the current show. That is happening, as is, regardless but what about the future??

    How would you like to see a show held? What conditions of entry, if any. How do you verify that conditions are met?

    I believe we need to encourage local clubs, get these strong and with members breeding then compete club vs club. All in friendly fun of course.

    Please, EVERYONE, have a say. This is an opportunity to speak up and you will not be shot down. As Chi said on another thread, we are all entitled to our own opinion and it would be boring if we all thought the same.


  5. I guess the big thing is get involved in your local club, breed some Betta and have fun. If we can get 3-4 strong clubs going, we could really have a lot of fun. Vic Betta has a great table show going and I really like their points system. Also they stop someone entering 20 fish from one spawn to just get points. Well thought out. But if we all adopted the same rules, we can all compete in each others shows. All points tally up to the final, overall yearly winners.

    The best part is, using my white fry as example, I send 3 pairs to Ness, she receives my fish, cares and houses them till show, then again cares untill she returns 1-2 pair, maybe. I donate one pair to club (covers return postage that they would cover to return fish I request), sell a pair to any member that may want them, if not return. All care, no responsibility.

    Ps. Well said Matt. :-)

  6. I really like the discussion that is going on another thread so I thought I would start a new topic. :-).

    Please keep in mind we are all intitled to our own opinion and I do not want this to turn personal. This is a real issue if we do wish to see a show scene get off the ground in Australia.

    My issue is that it would be impossible at this stage to run a locally bred show only. Jarrod could have held one himself last year but not so this year (yet). Only problem last year was he was the only one. Year before that we both had fish but knew no one else and no club or direction.

    1. If we tried ATM, how do we verify a fish entered by "Joe Bloggs" in Sydney is actually locally bred? We do not have enough people breeding fish, let alone having them ready at the same time. We need to get in contact with more people that are breeding and encourage others to have a go. Hence we decide to hold a show.

    2. As the amount of people breeding is so low, can we afford to be exclusive to a new member who has purchased quality fish to start breeding but not allow them to show their new fish? As they might never get a good spawn of their first pair, this would be a kick in the guts before they start.

    3. We are in the process (I have spoken to Ness. Lol) regarding a agreement the clubs can have so we can enter our fish in each others table shows. This would be great for a bit of friendly competition but relys on trust from all concerned. Still early days but here's hoping. :-).

    4.would you enter fish in a comp against imports? Why? If you are breeding good stock, it's an even playing field isnt it?

    5. If a club is affiliated to the IBC and wants to hold IBC shows (getting MASSIVE "encouragement" from overseas), doesn't that mean imported fish?

    Maybe the club can hold our normal table show with local entries (as eg melb crew send a few pairs up) and we hold one big IBC show for everyone.

    Please understand this is a personal view and not an official view of the club. This is a discussion for everyone and I want to hear as many ideas and opinions as possible.

  7. Mate, there are NO locally bred fish at this stage to hold a show. The guys in Melb have nothing ATM, Jarrods has some great blue HM but not quite up to size and mine are way too small. Jennie has a few she has bred but no great numbers. In our club there is quite a few spawning with varying success but nothing that will really be ready soon. Jarrod and myself (can't talk for others) don't have any left from last years spawns for various reasons (sold, illness ect).

    Not upset Chi just a little frustrated. We are trying to get a show scene together with the goal of having locally bred fish only (verified by club members) but at this stage it's a dream. The amount of unpaid time we are all putting into this is astonishing. We need support or this is just a waste. I think it was Jennie that put it the best, she is entering her fish not because she expects to win but because she is PROUD of HER fish.

  8. Let's put it simply Chi, how many fish are you entering??

    If you take Jarrod and myself out of the picture and only allow locally bred fish, you would be lucky to have 10-15 fish.

    If the fish were available maybe we could try it but for a decent sized show, we NEED imports. Don't really think our local fish would get the reaction from noobs that local imports will get.

    Ps. Most of our fish are imports too. Locally bred stuff not full size yet so I guess we can have a Betta show with no fish.

  9. I bought a four bay for $15, sump in back. Second hand but was given the suppliers details and contacts. W'sale new for $35 and usually sold for $70 approx.

    Maybe we can do a group buy, if supplier doesn't sell to public maybe the club might be able to help.

    Haven't called them yet as I got one but if people interested I can make a few calls. :-)


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