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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Very nice looking fish. :-). I have been considering them as well just nog sure on harvesting eggs, hatching ect. Really hope you get into them then I can learn by your mistakes. Lol.
  2. Don't blame me. Lol. I blame Jarrod so maybe we can both blame him??? Sounds good to me. :-)
  3. Good luck Ash. She is beautiful. :-).
  4. Nice fish. Closest I have seen to green. :-)
  5. Time for an update. This tank is out of control. The fish are slowly being squeezed out. Rams still thin but doing the same. Have had issues with my black orchid girls, there has been a flare up. I am loosing one at a time, beaten to death. Many have body wounds but only ones on last legs have fin damage and that is usually extensive. Not sure who is the aggressor or what triggered it but they all look miserable and on edge. Rest of the fish are ok and seem unaffected. Anyway, this tank in long overdue on a massive clean out and trim. I guess this has been a success as I wanted low maintanence and good growth resulting in "jungle" effect. I do nothing with this tank, add nothing and clean when ever I can be bothered, which is not much lately. :-). Excuse the mess but as stated a clean up is long over due. Link not working. :-(. Will update shortly. Try this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWD5frcL_-Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  6. Wow. Great photos of some beautiful fish. :-)
  7. Ice cream container in the fridge with one IAL. Change water every few days/daily. :-). Easy.
  8. He was pretty sad looking in the shop. Very washed out and wouldn't flare. I wasnt convinced he was any good. Happy to say I was wrong mate. Good score and a great match. :-)
  9. Do you test your water for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite? This is a basic test kit available from all LFS and is a must. This will answer your question. You might be able to even cut down on wc.....maybe. Ps. Take in a sample from the tank, BEFORE you do a wc, to your LFS and they should be able to test it for you.
  10. All depends on your filtration and if you have live plants.
  11. Love that girl. :-). Can't believe I just said that. Lol. Looks like my marble phobia is gone.
  12. Looking good mate. :-). Are they the pots for the ekka?
  13. Very interesting. As Razzi said, no good for Betta???? How do these work, why are they different to ordinary bags?
  14. Wow. If I ever get down that way I will be sure to look you up mate. Fantastic setup. :-)
  15. No rush to spawn these guys ATM. :-)
  16. This is my 4th pair. I hope to continue and improve at least 2 lines, hopefully all 4. :-). Got this pair from Jim and it's a sibling of both Ness and Sarah's fish. These guys are now in 3 eastern states. :-).
  17. No. Just normal mystery snails. Pink ones still too small I think. :-)
  18. Lol. Can't believe I am excited. Did yours hatch?
  19. Very excited about the Rockets. Good luck with both pairs mate. :-)
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