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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Well done Sarah. Don't think I would have done it. :-)
  2. Same. Have had it happen a few times. Don't know how I got it back, I think same as Bettarazzi. Good luck.
  3. ROFL @Sarah. @Neffy, know what you mean. I have heard it's a LOT harder to maintain a balance within the tank. Sooooo many beautiful fish though. @Yan............. How many ltr is it? And filtration? You getting corals as well? Will be watching with interest. Please keep us informed of your progress. Might try myself one day.
  4. Understand that. At least when you left I knew they would be cared for. Sold a few others to friends and same thing. Not sure how I will feel about leaving them at LFS. Bit silly really.
  5. How do you feel? When you took mine (how they going by the way) felt a little sad but with a sense of accomplishment. Congratulations.
  6. Very nice. Love marine but never had one. Have you had one before Yan? Can't wait to see what you do with it.
  7. Hope he starts eating for you Sarah. I know you tried to show a betta how to blow a bubble nest with a straw so why not eat some spagetti in front of the tank. Lol. Good luck, make sure you let us know how he goes.
  8. G day mate. Welcome to the forum. Have a good look around, plenty to read and always someone on here to answer any questions or maybe you can answer some.
  9. I can't view it on my iPhone. ;-(. When you can post some more pics please.
  10. Looking good Sarah. All your pets always look so happy.
  11. Looks nice mate. Can't wait to see some better shots though. Don't tell anyone, but I love RED.
  12. Oh. Ok. Hopefully I get some even ones out of my next lot then. Some do look good at this stage. Fingers crossed.
  13. Yea, he has sprouted a little but his color is so much deeper now. His anal fin has a curl on a few of the extensions and his tail not really split even. But she has real good looking finnage. Is it true her finnage is more important when breeding? Sure I read that somewhere. They don't seem to grow as quick as others. All brothers and sisters a lot bigger. Yours for example.
  14. Mainly for Shadoh. Not sure if anyone else interested. One more. Excuse the blue in his head, just the torch.
  15. And just how many do you actualy have there, Shadoh?
  16. That truly is incredible. Never seen anything like it. Must be frustrating at the same time though, watching a beautiful fish that you like turn into something totally different. Works other way though too, I guess. Do they finally stop changing or do they do this all there life? Sounds like a stupid question, even as I type it but I don't know........
  17. Looking good mate. Glad you all survived the the floods unscathed. Love Tiger. Can't wait for you to start crossing your CT.
  18. Fletch

    New member

    Welcome. Always good to have new members. Enjoy looking around.
  19. I have cheap internal filter as well. I found the same as you with my canister and just monitored water, cleaned holes in spray bar, made sure hoses arent blocked with algae and persisted. Bacteria should break down the waste. I found I needed the internal for current more than anything and i clean this out every two weeks with water change.
  20. @ Joan. Cleaning your filters that often could cause problems. My three footer has over sixty fish and I do my filter once every six to twelve mths. I monitor water and have no reason to do it more.
  21. Mate, I have a pleco, one adult male peppermint and a pair of breeding normal bristlenose with babies and I STILL have this problem. My tank is very heavily planted as well though. I was told to cut down nutrient amount but noticed plants showing negative effect before algae. Needless to say, I live with it. Forgot a pair of royal whiptails as well. Would love to know how to get rid of it.
  22. These taken this morning. Female easy, male impossible. He puts on show at back of tank and minute I put camera down, he comes to the front. I truely believe he is messing with my head!!!!!!! Female first Male Funny that these guys are the slowest growing. More color but not much growth in past week. Normal ones booming.
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