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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. St George always had one of the best. Long time ago but would be very surprised if still not going. We went for rare chiclids but he was into others as well. Not sure about betta though.
  2. Yep. That's them. If water not good or fish unwell the red head pales. Really active and social. Love most tetras though.
  3. Rummynose tetra. These guys are beautiful and the best part is they will tell if your water quality dives. Love these guys.
  4. Good luck someone. What a waste of money, the only winners will be the lawyers.
  5. Welcome Bev. Lots of info. Have a good look around, plenty of pics to look at. Don't be shy, ask away. Be warned though, we have a few serial photo nuts that will be begging for pics. Anyway, welcome
  6. Fletch


    Think my biggest mistake was buying my first Betta....LOL.
  7. Fletch


    Most of us still make silly mistakes. If you do a spawn log and are honest with it, we will all help you. Don't be shy or embarrassed. We all share the love of fish and are more than happy to share our experiences. Most important thing is to have fun. Good luck and I will be waiting to read you log.....hint, hint.
  8. Thanks Wayne. Female copper. She goes crazy when uncarded. Has bars. Put a sparring partner to combtail and got one more of him
  9. Male copper. Need a reply and can post some more.
  10. Yep. Same fish. He won't sit still. Will get a better one when I can. About to uncard coppers. See if I can get photo. Stay tuned.......
  11. This first guy is my combtail. My girls are a little big for him yet so will put this match on the back burner for a while. Cross with my Red Rocket CT. Must thank Jarrod who has been looking after them for me untill I could pick them up. Also thankyou to Adam. Great fish.
  12. Fletch


    You said what Sarah. NEVER heard "Hey Jude". I feel old now. Going to soak my bones in warm bath and go to bed early.........,...,
  13. Fletch


    Hey mate, welcome. You have some very nice fish to start with, that's for sure.
  14. My two are in that small tank and carded. Checked on them half hour later and she has barred up. I then realized she could see a female DTCT and they were both barring. Hope this not a bad sign.....LOL. My female needs a bit of fattening up yet but I don't seem to have a problem with that.......
  15. Only joking Sarah. Can't stop laughing. I am sooooo sorry but I knew you would bite........Naughty Busman.....slaps hand.
  16. Had to look twice at the first one. Thought you might have pulled a swifty on me......haha. You take great photos mate. Mine settling in ok. Just released last one. Great looking fish Adam has produced.
  17. I truly believe that the van will pull up shortly and the nice men with the straight jacket will rescue you. It will all be ok. ROFL. I must admit, I feel so much better now that I have like minded people to share my obsession with. You all make me feel so much better. Must go wipe my eyes, crying on phone and can't see buttons.
  18. You missed one HUGE fault Jarrod......... We don't have him. Lol. Great fish.
  19. Fletch

    Hi New Member

    Welcome to the forum. As Lilli pointed out, we are all fish crazy. More info required. I am sure sone one will even ask for photos, no names mentioned.
  20. We don't think your crazy Sarah, by now we KNOW you are. Lol.
  21. What do you think of that match Paul? Your the guru on predictions. Lol
  22. Hey, Mathew. What fish do you have? Welcome to the forum.
  23. That third guy is one of his combtails. I am planning on breeding that with my CT. Should be interesting.
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