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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. My wife gives up......and my kids........betta too
  2. I know what the tap tap noise will be shortly if you don't tell us Sarah. Lol
  3. Lol. Mate it's not the one tank that's the problem. It's the multitude of jars. Welcome. What sort of chiclids are you into and do you breed them?
  4. Looking really good Joan. I neglected my 3ft and no am struggeling to save my weed. To busy breeding betta. Lol I found when my tank got to your stage that I thinned out by taking the whole type of plant from the tank. I read somewhere that a harmonious tank should only have a max of three different plants. I was a bit skeptical, but had a go and was really happy once I did this. My main plant is the Java Fern. Then have a a feature plant and say a grass as example. I think you tank looks great and now the real fun begins. It will never be right, always something to change or do. That's why I love planted tanks.
  5. Happy Birthday Abby...... Great gift. And the thought and planning.........lots of brownie points for him. Great looking tank. Love the weed on the log.
  6. Yea, Aqua one. Good once jarring for growout, bit small for adults. Only my opinion.
  7. Has a little bit better in person. Not sure if it is quite HM. Most of the boys are close too. What about the ones at your place? Any HM, male or female?
  8. As my girls seem to get the attention, here they are. This is the girl that just spawned. No tummy. Has barred up to her sister here though. Think this girl is keen. This is the one that is going to pop. Would you call her HM? Not sure if I would of photo, but I think she is close IRL.
  9. @Shadoh......Can't believe you got away with saying you had two more pairs coming and no one asked for more details. Put you in it. Lol
  10. Not nice guys, they are just big boned. LOL. Why do I feel like everyone is ganging up on me and my poor fish.
  11. Mate, he is in display tank. Lots of room, never still. Impossible to get a photo. Will keep trying. This is what I call EXPLODING. No light. Sorry. Hope you can see enough detail to work it out v
  12. Ok. Male dt. That's it for now.
  13. Here is my new barracks. Got some of copper female and male DT. Someone needs to comment please.
  14. Very nice Nanna. Will look fab once water clears.
  15. Ok thanks guys. I did see things I could adapt but the biggest problem was a different sized thread to screw in. Was hoping to avoid silicon use as I am very messy with thing like that. Sorry Neffy, yes it is.
  16. Got a second hand betta barracks today. Problem is a few taps missing and a few beyond repair. Went to Bunnings, a irrigation shop and a hardware store to no avail. Anyone tell me where I can get them. Plastic or metal, don't care. Thanks.
  17. Really like that yellow. That girl is looking amazing. Congrats on healing her.
  18. Fletch


    Welcome mate. Have a good look around and don't be shy.
  19. Very nice Paul. Lovely "female". Lol
  20. @Shadoh........for the moment. Killed the rest though. I am pretty much out of fish for sale now. Have a few male DT left and the ones at your place but rest almost gone. Still kept a few though. @Melbournebetta..........that me or the fish??? LOL
  21. He was going off tonight so got these shots. Easy fish to photo as always puts on a show when you approach the tank.
  22. I only get half the photo. I HATE my iPhone....
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