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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Lol @Shadoh...............you don't need a stand, you need pallet racks.
  2. Few more. Royal Whiptail in front of plecco Got a pic Matt?
  3. Well, after six months of neglect due to my mad betta breeding learning curve (bloody steep, I tell you), I really had let this tank go. Had a few losses but the weed was horrible. Too infrequent doses of nutrients and it went down hill quick. Got to the stage when I walk in, I noticed it and got annoyed. Wouldn't really look at it again. Had good intentions of nursing weed back to health buuuuutttttttt..............got impatient. I know, not like me.  So, went and got new weed, pulled all old weed out, threw most out, rearranged tank, replanted and this is what I got. Got some more if you let me 
  4. Could be constipated. Can you pull it out, maybe. If poo it will break easily.
  5. Any chance it's a stringy poo...........like empty casing? Cant get a great view on my phone.
  6. You don't know how much I appreciate this thread. Every time I attempt something, this is what happens. I thought it was just me..........DIY to me should be DAY.....Don't Attempt Yourself. Lol 
  7. Is the clear airline hose going to be buried? Have you fitted the glass yet? Good luck.
  8. Not sure Matt but that's what they do. How are yours?
  9. No groveling now, "The Paul". Ha ha
  10. ROFL.........That's got to sting.........
  11. I'm confused. Lol. @Sarah......I believe that it's the breed, Red Rocket CT that is responsible for fast growth rate and "fat" females. I have spawned two so far, 2 weeks ago and both are round again. The female copper I got of Adam is in the barracks with them, same diet and she is "normal". Just lucky that they were my first fish, bred easy and grew QUICK..
  12. Nicer now Sarah. That's why I won't do marble. Too frustrating. Will ignore above reference. Ps. @Shadoh.......real nice mate, drag me into it. Thanks. No double posts from me.....today, anyway. Lol
  13. Welcome to the forum. Have some early advice.....if you are going to Fishchicks, you WILL need more tanks. Lol Great to have another Brissie member.
  14. Fletch

    Hi All

    Well done. Would love to see a pic of the red ones. I love red.....and black.........and blue.........maybe the odd multicolor........ok, most betta. Lol.
  15. I would just jar what I think is male and see what happens. That seemed to encourage mine to declare sex. Good luck
  16. Funny you say that Jo.......my father in tassie at the moment, brother in law just got back and inlaws arrive on the second of next month. Need to be nice to you from now on, we could be related. My wife has over a hundred first cousins in tassie.....think she got out so she could marry outside of the family. Lol.
  17. Ikea. Only tool used......Allen key. Lol
  18. That is really well done and very clever. Wish I had icon for clapping hands........
  19. Love the tank. Very nice. How many sections? Are the dividers permeant? Any chance of some close up pics of the fish? (there you go Sarah). One last question, do you have a sponge filter in each section and is water shared (damn, ok, two more. Lol)? Ps. Scared stiff of horses, bucked off one as a kid, but I am sure they are beautiful.
  20. Hey. Thought you got over that.
  21. Very pretty. Looks like a nice home for them.
  22. To not only own an animal like this but then to lead us all on for how long..........lol. Wouldn't have guessed ever.
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