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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Funny you bring this up now Sarah. Two weeks ago I thought I was onto something. I only have 12 boys in the white spawn while my steel spawn is mostly male. Same food, water, care BUT the steel tank is 29-30 degrees and the white only 26-28.

    Also was speaking to a guy at the show last week who also had a all girl spawn and his temp was 29-30. So there goes that theory. :-(

  2. You know my thoughts mate. I struggle to believe that 3-4 days would be long enough to cause the spike, especially as the fish weren't fed while you were away.

    Even a brand new barracks with new filter media should cope for three or four days without a deadly spike.

    Either way, I am so sorry for your loss. :-(

  3. I reckon you are probably right Les. I still have dino products here. I am waiting for the new LED lights from Davo then I will replace lights and see what happens. Trying not to use products as I really want to see if it will keep growing without.

    No real tips mate as I do nothing, have low light and basically ignore the tank most days. Too much to do with fighters. :-)

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