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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Hey Ness, under normal circumstances I would put you up but Jarrod and I are staying with my in laws who are semi local. Don't know the area but not sure I would stay anywhere too cheap in the area.
  2. No worries girls. I have a pretty full on weekend at work and got the show next week BUT I will make a call at some stage. Jennie, remind me next week at the show if I haven't mentioned it. Ps. Yes sump in the back. :-)
  3. They look amazing mate. Not overdone but very professional. Who did them? Lol. Getting very REAL now, starting to panic. :-)
  4. I bought a four bay for $15, sump in back. Second hand but was given the suppliers details and contacts. W'sale new for $35 and usually sold for $70 approx. Maybe we can do a group buy, if supplier doesn't sell to public maybe the club might be able to help. Haven't called them yet as I got one but if people interested I can make a few calls. :-)
  5. Fletch


    The pleasure is mine mate. lol. :-)
  6. Fletch


    Very nice pickups Les. You sure have an eye for nice fish. Good luck in the spawn tank. :-)
  7. Very nice setup. Very healthy and harmonious tank. Does the water pass through those dividers?
  8. Thanks for that. And yes Chi, you too. Lol. It's great to be able to put names to faces. I feel like I know most of you but would sit beside you on a train and not know it. :-)
  9. Any chance of some names to faces please. :-) Looks like a blast.
  10. Think that's uncalled for mate. I didnt call you names. Lol. :-)
  11. Just starting work. What's your excuse? Lol.
  12. Mine was done by Paypal this morning. :-)
  13. And that's what it is about Jennie. :-). Think your a bit harsh on yours mate, I can think of 2 Top Shelf and some of your others arent far off it. I am just excited to see all these fish together. Think I am going to bei seeing fish in my sleep for weeks after. Lol.
  14. Hey that's pretty good Jennie, you got a secret stash of bettas???? Lol. Hhhhmmmm, just relized I said 5, not sure I can fill the last spot. Maybe the blue boy I got of you Jarrod? For the record, none of the fish I will be showing is really "A class show fish". Some nice fish but nowhere near what someone normally has on the shelf. I am saying this to encourage others to take the plunge. I know it's hard to look at your own fish and think of it beside some of the expected imports but this is what it's about. Most of my fish have already been in shows and didn't come in the running so not hoping for BOS in this one. Lol. It's all about fun and experience. Hopefully in the future and depending on demand, we may introduce a Australian bred class. Mind you, not sure how you can tell? Easy at club level but once you open up entries to general public, which you would be crazy to stop, how can you tell? Anyway, it would be fantastic to see some support from any forum members. Fish can be shipped to someone (prior arrangements need to made, of course) so you know your fish are in good hands. :-). All care, no responsibility is taken for all fish.
  15. Just relax guys. He stated he was flat out at work. Sure we shall get our pm in due course. :-)
  16. Rekon I may end up with a few more grey hairs as well. :-)
  17. Bettas have been in the country for a long time and there was s pretty good show circuit before ((4+ yrs ago) but this is our second show. Basically, the winning owners of many comp animals don't breed or raise them. They obviously love the animal to spend $ on it and for them, they can participate and SUPPORT the people that are breeding them. If that is what makes them proud, to be able to say they "owned a show winner", well I will be the first to congratulate them. If that fish was purchased off me I might even buy them a round. Lol. Basically, different strokes for different blokes, whatever makes you happy. Share the love. :-)
  18. I sleep when I am at work Pete, too much to do at home. :-). Sorry your boy is not looking good. Good food, good water and a little luck, who knows.....these fish can bounce back pretty quick once the problem is rectified. :-)
  19. Very well said mate. :-). These things take time, if we held a show for Aussie bred fish only at this stage, it would be a sad show. This is the SECOND show we have held, first big one. We need to learn how to walk before we attempt to run. :-). A big emphasis of the club is BREEDING quality fish. Once more people are doing this and we can encourage people to enter their prize fish from interstate in the show, THEN we are in with a shot. I guess the big thing is this will take time to establish a decent locally bred show circuit. For it to become a reality we need ALL clubs to participate where possible, then hopefully hold their own shows that we can enter our fish. This time last year, Jarrod could have held a show on his own. He had soooo many fish it was nuts. He was the only one in the club that had his own bred fish in numbers. Now, due to "life", he has no fish available (not many but a few stunners we hope are ready) and a few others have fish not quite ready (my whites as eg). Hopefully next year we will start to award points at each show, breeder receives points as well as owner. If you show your own fish and win, you get both lots of points. This way your locally bred fish may not win against a bought fish but at the end of the year, the person breeding his/her own fish will win overall. I do understand your point Chi, but these things take time and patience. We can't do this ourselves, no matter how much we try. If what you want is a locally bred show only, then start breeding quality fish and get entering in as many shows as possible. This can be a reality. :-)
  20. Got to at least try and put forward some great Aussie fish. Come on guys. Aussie Aussie Aussie OI OI OI. :-)
  21. Ok Davo. I will give them ago above my NPT 3ft community tank. Do you want me to replace the lights already on it and compare??
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