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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. I have had these guys a little while now........that's the dirty part. Sorry. Am very excited about the spawn, mainly to compare growth rates with previous spawns. If I get great results again, then will try and figure out why. Our water is a different supply to that of Jarrods and Matts but it couldn't be that much different. Guess I will just have to wait and see..................nope, haven't hatched yet. Lol. Patience is not my strong point. Do it mate.......I would. Lol. I did.
  2. Just taken. Still a bit stressed.
  3. Your wish is my command. She looks washed out here. In spawn tank with male. Just introduce. Will get a better one. Can't use other photo, just realized I don't have permission. Can see her form here though.
  4. These have been my dirty secret. Just spawned. Got two more of female.
  5. Fletch

    My Intro

    Welcome to the forum. Can't wait to see you boy. When you find out how far is to far, please let me know. Sure I missed the signs. Lol
  6. You guys may have me beat with the amount of tanks in your bedroom (my wife won't allow any in our room) but I have tanks in almost every room of the house including two in the kitchen. Welcome Harry, great to have a new member. Don't be shy and pics are a must.
  7. Lol........one for mum..:-)
  8. That has really taken off Joan. Looks fantastic. Well done.
  9. I bought the $20 el cheapo from Bunnings. Used a bit of chipboard under the tanks for a bit more strength. 50 kg per shelf. It's ok, you get what you pay for............
  10. Just the smell of that stuff when it heats up is enough to give me a headache............you sure it's the best thing to use Matt???
  11. WHERE ARE MY PHOTOS MATT???????????
  12. Ps.......I want photos of my grand kids.
  13. Sorry Matt, been busy at work. Looking but not commenting. Really love that first boy. Stunning. Hope he is not too damaged. :-)
  14. Sorry that you have had more bad luck. You have had more than your fair share. Thought the male wasn't looking good but can't see any probs with the girls. Think you have done the right thing. Keep em warm and comfortable and keep a eye on them. Some nice looking girls, that's for sure. Good luck.
  15. Bring em on mate. Looks fantastic. So my mate at my LFS did look after you with the Java fern then. He always gives me a huge amount and discounts everything for me. Good guy to know. Ps. My Java moss is almost dead again. Lol. Can't kill it they say.
  16. Great fish......LOL. Sorry couldn't help myself. Looks good mate. Glad it's up and running. Save you lots of time.
  17. Well done, very nice. Photos once water clears and fish introduced please. Can't wait.
  18. Only joking guys. Thought it was funny.
  19. @Matt........isn't what your doing to Sarah classed as cyber bullying?
  20. Welcome. Lots of friendly people to answer any questions you may have. Don't be afraid to ask or contribute to the forum. All welcome. Kermadum is the only betta breeding farm we have in Australia. I think we all have a few of his fish. Lol
  21. Not sure of the age Matt. Last spawn log. DT are not to my taste. Very disappointed with the males and lost the female yesterday. Least I bred her once though. Any one interested in male DT, pm me.
  22. Yea, you did. Haven't shared these guys though. Very disappointing. These are the BEST ones. Look very scrappy.
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