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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Love it Micheal. Next time you in Brissie, free accommodation and food for as long ad it takes to make me one. Lol Quick question, I thought sump filters needed to be open at the top to allow air to escape?? Not sure, can someone confirm please, one way or the other.
  2. Surprised you haven't force fed him already. Well done Sarah.
  3. That's amazing. How big is the tank? How many IAL leaves are in there? Sorry. I was too quick.
  4. At Fishchicks last week someone said the Thai breeders keep females seperately. She does the same with hers. As for myself, my breeders are kept separate but I am now going to put six or so females in my planted community tank just to see what happens.
  5. Enough.........I can't take it.................ok, just one more. And what others have you got? And are they breeding? I had three peppermints bought very young, now left with med sized male. Also a pair of Royal Whiptails but they are either too young or both female. Also one Brazilian Highfin Gold spot pleco. Plus the normal bristlenose.
  6. Wow. I LOVE catfish but just so expensive. I am number one on your sales list if you get them to spawn. Please.
  7. Lol. Feel a bit nervous after seeing that pic of you putting the gloves on. "Right, spread em".
  8. That is awesome. Well done. Will just keep looking better and better as it grows b
  9. Lots of photos please Ness. Never been game to have a go myself. Would really like to build a tank/barracks/display tank out of two footer with sump in the back. Just not confident. I will think about it, research it then buy one. Lol.
  10. Thanks Matt. Will just wait and see what I get. Hate all this waiting though.........
  11. ROFL..............and how many still coming???? Please don't stop, whatever you do, I have never seen such vibrant colors in my life. My fathers coming up in a few weeks. Can I bring him over?
  12. Yea I know...........couldn't do it now. Just in case. You should at least enjoy them first. Maybe in a few months if your hands are full, see what happens.
  13. Hhhhmmmmmmm........what more can I say??? Very nice mate. Good luck with your plans for all your fish.
  14. These are my picks. Will happily spawn them for you, mate.....buddy......pal. Lol. The color is just blinding. Marble PK would not be my choice but......one pair of yellow and one of orange please. When can I pick em up?
  15. He is settling in nicely. Equal first in my opinion. Love the orange, so deep and intense.
  16. Very nice Matt. When are going to breed this pair? Don't know where I am going to keep all these nice fish we will be breeding soon. I think we need a nice blue now.....hhhhhmmmmmmm
  17. No ideas but very frustrating. Have fun today picking up your new fish. Don't forget the photos.
  18. Nice collectionof fish. You should have some fun breeding them. Good luck.
  19. Lol @Adam. Since when does common sense come into it............
  20. Thanks guys. I am happy with them. Hopefully I will get tails this arvo which confirms her fertility.
  21. Welcome. Some one will ask so I will get it over with, any pics???? What sort of cichlids do you have? And I love plecos........ Have a good look around and if you have any questions, fire away. Don't be afraid to join in, (between you and me, there's a few crazy people) but most are harmless. Anyway, welcome.
  22. Yes Ness. That's him. Sarah, have NEVER admitted to these guys. May have mentioned my intention but never said I had them. Matt saw them a while ago when he came around. Maybe that's where??????
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