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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. That may work....seems too with yours. :-)
  2. Is that the new barracks with the light we were talking about? Can't believe how old these guys are and still giving you surprises. Nice fish.
  3. Beautiful. What's the lighting you are using? Nutrients? Great tank. You just missed the comp. :-(
  4. Hi Phil, welcome to the forum. Pics are a must. :-)
  5. That looks amazing. Well done Neffy.
  6. That's what does my head in. Such a HUGE change. Very nice Pyrefly. :-)
  7. Welcome to the forum. Photos are a must. Have a good look around and if you have any questions or comments, don't be shy, join in the fun. Sure your fellow Melbourne members will be very excited.
  8. I have an Aqua one barracks and the pump is really noisy. Any ideas on how to quieten them down or where to get a replacement? If I get an ordinary pump from Bunnings, what size would I need? Thanks for you thoughts.
  9. @Matt......if you put as much effort into being good, as you do getting around the ban, you would never be in trouble and your parents might even let you get more tanks one day. Lol @Sarah.......keep it up girl. Don't let him off the hook. Lol.
  10. Hopefully he will come good for you. How does he go with a mirror? I had one that was a wimp if he could see another fish. Used a mirror for a while each day until he got some confidence. Sold him a while ago now so not sure if he got over it. @Paul......not sure about the B.O'd. LOL
  11. I know when it used to happen to me, I was using my iPhone and it was normally a signal issue with my carrier. It would say unable to connect then when I just refreshed the screen, it then double posted. Thats just my earlier experiences.
  12. Pics are a must. What fish are you breeding? Welcome anyway. Hope you enjoy.
  13. ROFL.......love the sound track. Thankyou for not taping it in widescreen.
  14. Wouldn't bother. Good for adults but i don't think the fry will care. Big bunch of Java moss much better. IMO.
  15. Lol. Don't take photos with you teeth Sarah. Lovely fish you got. Can't wait to see what you get when you spawn them. Good luck.
  16. My community tank has been settled down for a good six months now, have introduced a few new fish (just basic tetras) and finally got a replacement male bristlenose yesterday. As I have one male peppermint in the tank, I had to get a good sized one. Lost my last one to bloat while fighting numerous disease breakouts that were the result of some "free" guppies. Put him in yesterday, about lunch time and they are now spawning. No sign of peppermint. Talk about keen...... Forgot that last time, half my problems were because these guys wouldn't stop and i had hundreds of fry and small fish. Aaaaahhhhhhhh well. Also, I did put 5 female betta in this tank. One disappeared, no sign and others having probs with current in the tank and the cherrie barbs are giving them a hard time.
  17. Happy Birthday Nanna Jo.....21 again. Have a great day.
  18. Nnnnnnoooooooooooo.........^rushes to check mine^ , mine look good at this stage. Don't really have room for a cellophane fish.
  19. Rip Red. Sorry to hear this.
  20. Fletch


    Welcome mate. Always good to have new members. Have a good look around and don't be afraid to ask questions or add comments.
  21. You can keep that all to yourself. %#€£ marble gene.
  22. I am just counting my pennies..................now, lollies, chips and softdrink. Lol. I do love the setup but alas, I don't have enough time now, let alone all that as well. Well I can always dream......
  23. That's fantastic. Love it. Looks to be going well for you.
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