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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Happy days. Welcome Myles. Another local is always good. You north, south or west? Don't be shy and we LOVE pics of all fish. :-)
  2. Go for it mate. In my house, MY b'day starts a week before and lasts a week after. Lol
  3. I thought the black water extract was similar to the effects of the IAL........... You could always crush up a Valium and add it too his water.......or better still, use Valium yourself and his tail won't bother you. Lol.
  4. Congratulations. All good things must come to an end (single life). Lol. What colored fish are you after? If I can help, would be more than happy to supply some fish if you paid postage.
  5. Electric yellow chiclids are easy too.
  6. You should put the thread in "Fishy Showroom". This is classifieds. :-)
  7. Hey Roc, are these for sale? Some nice fish there.
  8. These are great looking fish. My favorites for sure. Good luck mate, wish I had an answer for you but I can't tell you anything you don't already know. Fingers & Toes crossed for you. :-)
  9. I'm loving it. Don't stop, please. I would love your fish and barracks but a bit far to go. I can't wait for it to come together. Best part for me is it costs me nothing. Lol. Would love to have a go as well but not going to happen. Good luck and keep us informed. :-)
  10. That's a great photo. Well done. Sorry to hear this......that looks exactly like my copper boy before I moved him on. Good luck with the treatment. Does anyone know why they taibite????
  11. Damn. Sorry Sarah. Never easy to say good bye.
  12. ROFL. Tears streaming down my face. That's it exactly. You hit the nail on the head.
  13. Welcome to AA. Always good to have new members.
  14. Ok.........no need to rub it in. Lol
  15. Looks good mate. Did you get some new weed as well.
  16. Just remember though, anything that catfish can get in his mouth WILL be eaten. Lovely fish though.
  17. Welcome Chris. Have a good look around and don't be shy. Most of us have other pets as well so your not alone. Post pics as these are a must.
  18. Hey Phil. Nice fish you have there. Might be worthwhile starting a thread in "Fishy Showroom" as people don't always come back to the intros once they have said hello. Just a thought. Sure you would get some feedback then. :-)
  19. Thanks Matt. Will try it with my community tank I think.
  20. Please explain the "cooking oil method". Looks good. Can't wait to see it with some plants and fish.
  21. I love that tank Yan. Well done. I would love a marine tank but am scared #€£+less of them. No idea, myself. And I am scared about the cost. What's the maintenance demands of this tank in hours? And what needs to be done daily/weekly? Keep posting pics please.
  22. Very nice mate. You filling that barracks obviously. Is that last one green?
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