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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. It would cost me my marriage.......LOL
  2. Fingers crossed Sarah. :-)
  3. Lol. My son has been nagging me fir a spiderman tank ever since I showed him the above. They all look great. You should have entered them in the tank comp a while ago........
  4. Forgot about the reds. Lol.
  5. Hello and welcome. Pics of fish are a must, please. :-) What color are you after? I think someone on here has some black dragon plakats that will be ready very shortly. He WILL be shipping too. :-)
  6. Fletch

    Hey hey!

    Love Dexter. More pics please. :-)
  7. There's your nickname Matt, sorry........Edward. LMAO.
  8. Fletch

    Hey hey!

    Welcome to the forum. Would love to see some pics. :-). Not sure husband to be should be classed as an animal. Then again, I haven't met him. Lol.
  9. It is amazing how quick it happens. Do you rekon yours would spawn yet? My girls are full of eggs and there are a few boys blowing bubbles, so maybe mine would. Girls would for sure. I wouldn't but I remember reading somewhere that the Thai breeders like to use the first two or three batches of eggs the females produce as these were the best and most fertile. Not sure though. I wouldn't breed before about six months old. JMO
  10. Lol. Sooo cute. Mine are doing the same.
  11. That is a bit strange.........so she will recover?? Banana doesn't much around with his food, does he......lol
  12. @Yan. He has his faults. This guy has the best look of them all. Hope his rays stay straight. As for the orchid, he is black with steel irids. I think that's the irid color. I am fairly new to all this. Just love the look of them. I have a barracks full of them and can't stop looking at em. :-) As an after thought,the red/blue CT guys do seem to give weight to the argument that the females form is more important than dads. Thoughts???
  13. I new the day was coming....you finally lost it. ROFL.
  14. Mate, settle down. Have a pill. Still got your apache CT here doing nothing still. Lol. Will keep trying this pair before I try another. Plus I DO want to keep the orchid line going. Beautiful fish. Have never done a next gen spawn but these will be my first. Has to be as mum departed a while back. :-(
  15. You should be right Matt. Haven't done a head count but we also dont want to promise fish we don't have. We have had a bulk order so until that is filled we are holding off. They are not all sold, that's for sure. :-)
  16. Funny you should ask Ness. The response to the orchids has got to the point where we are taking no more advanced orders. Hopefully start supplying them in about three/four weeks. :-)
  17. No that's fine Sarah. Glad he is going to a good hone. I will be concentrating on other lines so would be great if you bred him. Hint hint.
  18. Sold this guy last night. Sure the buyer had no idea that this was the boy I was going to continue with. Nice choice....
  19. Few more. Didn't see the reflections when I took them. Sorry. This guy not even my Favourite but love his attitude.
  20. Have been selling my blue/red CT pretty quick so had a bit of a swap around with fish and barracks today. Was a bit worried my orchids would feel intimidated with the bigger boys. Soon as they were put beside them the fireworks flew. So funny, about half the size.
  21. They look very happy Sarah. Well done.
  22. Lol. You will fit right in here. :-)
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