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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Lol. I restrained myself. Took a lot of effort. :-). Very excited. So you got it all done last night?
  2. It's a shame the AB purchases has come to an end. I hope the so and so that ordered the guppies is aware of the ramifications his actions have caused. I doubt it though. At least someone will still be importing her own amazing stock. Has anyone else noticed how much nicer the fish are on AB now we can't buy. Lol.
  3. I can't attend in person once a month but can always help where I can. :-)
  4. Fantastic news. See you there. :-) How are you for IAL Sarah?? Ps.......must remember MWfor Sarah and female for Jarrod. :-)
  5. I know how you feel. Might be a bit of a let down if it's just you and me though, we do this regularly as it is........would be great to meet some other like minded people. :-) Still, always get excited going to Jodis.
  6. Welcome. Hope you enjoy the forum. I have a nice male peppermint but I am looking for some girls. Wish you were closer, we could have worked something out. :-)
  7. Love that first girl Ness.........and the copper. So the giant girl is ok with the other ladies? (feel like we shouldn't say "giant", maybe "big boned" is better. )
  8. How are you for IAL mate? Still got that unopened pack here if you need some. Will bring a female black orchid for you.....was there anything else I was ment to bring?
  9. Fletch


    A little blanched lettuce put in the tank before lights out. In the morning, the snails will be on the lettuce, throw it out. Repeat as often as necessary. Have read this, never done it. Good luck. :-)
  10. Looks good mate. Not so happy that I swore out loud when I saw that #%£€ CT. Lol. Do any of the yellow fry have any of the brilliant blue the parents have?
  11. Heres the thread Ness. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10550&st=0
  12. That yard looks fantastic mate. Very well done. I could loose myself in that for hours. :-)
  13. You and me both Jarrod. Going to be some fun competition next year. :-) I will only enter fish that I have bred.
  14. Well done. Keep us informed please. :-)
  15. You are nuts Les. Lol. How long do they take (IAL) ti grow to useful size?
  16. Another Sarah........ Welcome back, some great looking fish you had. What are you going to breed now? Would be great to see you at the meet. :-)
  17. I rekon they would return you Matt. Lol. You can't trust public transport, look at the bus drivers. Crazy. I will know on Thursday if I have the day off. If so, I can take you if you can catch the train to my house.
  18. Love your enthusiasm Hai. Lol. If you ever make it up this way, make sure you let us know so we can catch up, meet or no meet. Would love to meet all the people here in person at some stage.
  19. Ok. NEXT SATURDAY. Let's get excited people. All welcome. Spread the word. If you are definitely coming, please let us know. Would love to meet some other local, like minded people. I can't wait. :-). Ps......don't forget we will do a "viewing" (spend up) at Fishchicks at the end.
  20. That's called the "Betta Bug". Lol Good score. You got some nice looking fish. Can't wait to see em flaring. :-)
  21. It would look much better at my house. Lol. Well done, I wish I was more "handy". :-(.
  22. Fletch


    Very nice. Well done on the spawns. Thanks for the photos. :-)
  23. Fletch


    Would love to see some pics if possible. I know nothing about these guys but am interested. :-)
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