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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. I hope the future hold lots of fun and laughter for you mate, whatever way you go. I can understand where you are coming from and can relate to the "pressure" of the show scene. I have found that it is much more fun now I am only keeping fish I like, not worried about selling fish or showing (well maybe still a little concerned about getting a show winner eventually).

    Either way mate, I have enjoyed the ride and am happy that I met you 2-3 years ago. You need to look after yourself and your family first, everything else comes next. You are a rare find in today's society, heart of gold, nice guy and maybe a little bit too "nice". I am glad you have made some decisions before it changed who you are.

    Take care mate, unless you change your number, you will still get your regular calls from me. Lol. :-)

  2. Hey, I am reading the thread but agree with most advice so no need to add to it.

    As for the disease, as far as I know, melt is considered contagious. I haven't had it so can't help much here. The only thing I want to add is I believe that the true reason a fish gets sick is stress. white spot is always present but can't get a "host" when fish are healthy, but when a fish is stressed is can get white spot, melt, rot, fungus ect.

    The big question is why was your fish stressed if water quality was ok? You can treat the melt (you will have to if the fish is to survive) but unless you can figure out what stressed him in the first place it will return.

    Or it could just be the bloody fish itself. I have had my fair share that just keep getting sick, in a barracks and be the only one sick, over and over again. :-(.

    Good luck.

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