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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Size of 20c, not including fins. Thanks Ness, they really stand out in the tank. They like to hang together, which is why I bought 5. :-)
  2. I was looking for awhile. Remember at the last meet, someone had a few left but not for sale. I think Matt got the last good ones. Have been looking ever since. I found out one of the major weed suppliers has now started breeding fish due to the batch testing. They are breeding live bearers, goldfish and many others of the high turnover "bread and butter" fish. These are one of them. Obviously this is driving the price down and by the time I get a pair breeding, they will be fairly common. Got these guys for a steal. Really happy. Ultimately, if two pair off, I will see if the will breed in this tank. Will remove whatever other fish cause an issue and see what happens. At least 12-18 months away. :-)
  3. Not a b'day pressie, get that next week at the meeting. Well hope so, depends on what someone has. :-) I want a pair eventually so I got five, Matt. Great looking fish. They really stand out in the tank.
  4. These guys seem to have settled in well. Always hungry. I think I might have a bit too much water flow but they learn where the slip stream is. :-).
  5. Lol. Your a game man Razzi. :-)
  6. I love that dark boy. Red ventrals and all. :-). Some lovely form on them as well. Well done bud.
  7. Hey mate. Welcome to the forum. :-). What are you trying to feed him? I would get some live feeder fish and put them in. He will eat once he is hungry. Any photos??? Good luck.
  8. Wow. Great buy. :-). Hope these are planned for the spawn tank.
  9. Beautiful mate. I love this girl. Easier than trying to explain which one. :-)
  10. They look fantastic. I wish you were local, I want a pair or two. :-)
  11. Well done Jennie. That tank was a great score. :-)
  12. They are very cute Sarah. :-)
  13. &$@€#%........ Lol. I still kill mine. I think it's the salt in the bbs as I don't rinse them first.
  14. Look fantastic. You really have got me thinking now. Well done.
  15. I highly recommend listening to Yan. She sorts out this stuff for a job. Usually after mistakes are made.
  16. Jarrod ships fish. :-) Looks good mate. Huge difference.
  17. I wish Sarah. Tank is long gone. He likes to travel now so doesn't want the hassle. We all miss it.
  18. He has seen it before. :-)
  19. I like part 3 the best. Thanks again for that Shadoh. :-). At least I have a record on line now to show people. Showed an aquarium today that basically called me a liar in the past. It was sweet. Lol.
  20. Buckets, buckets and more buckets. Lol. :-)
  21. Funny you say that. There was a fire eel that only ate earth worms. The only way to feed this guy was to pinch one end of the worm between thumb and two fingers while hiding the rest of the worm in your hand. Put your hand in the tank, as far down as possible. He would come up and grab the wiggling end a take off. The other fish knew what was going on and would try and grab it. I am talking BIG blackbelt, red devil, Oscar ect. I still remember my mum jumping back with a yell when one of the big guys nailed her hand. Drew blood.
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