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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Video http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee433/ottobusman/orchids/c2cc941a.mp4
  2. New photos. Can see a difference with the weed but will take a while to come back fully. At least issue is not present and it has turned around. This guy is a bully. Really long ventrals. :-).
  3. Wish I knew what they looked like. Lol. Can't wait to see it. Good luck. :-)
  4. Would it be an issue with cories and apistos? Worried the fish may release BB and clay into the tank with them digging ect. Sorry for hijack Jarrod. :-)
  5. Could someone please tell me if once this tank is up and running...do you add ANY co2 or fertilizers? ...what about filtration, canister filter ok? ...wouldn't nutrients in B&B run out? I am a bit simple about these things. :-)
  6. I would love to see him eat live food. These guys are awesome fish.
  7. Always great to have another local. :-). Welcome to the forum. I might as well start the ball rolling, we are all photo mad. Please post pics.
  8. Looks good. Lots of room for more. :-)
  9. Lol. Can't add much as you know all about my tank and the errors I made. Jelous of the T5s. You will have a better choice than me. Don't forget about that option to share freight costs. I need time to choose as well. :-)
  10. Cool. I can live with that. As I am hoping the tank will eventually be heavily planted so they will have somewhere to hide. Lol. :-)
  11. My excess girls will still go into this tank. About ten black orchids soon at least. Lol. Who wins, betta or angels?
  12. Working fine. First one must be faulty. :-).
  13. Thanks Sarah (missed your post, sorry). I do watch this for hours. :-). Thanks Matt. There are three red plants in there. One front left, one front middle and another in the middle at the back, behind the wood. Hoping these will take off now with a dung pellet under each one. :-)
  14. Hey Ness, someone had some black angels yesterday. Didn't check em out in great detail but did think of you. :-)
  15. Not sure. Lol. Think I lost most when I got my last lot of "bargain" neons. Not sure what they introduced but it was lethal. I will learn this lesson eventually. :-(
  16. Thanks Wayne. Wood is actually too big for this tank. I can't move it at all. Great piece but wrong tank. :-(. Once I sort out my fertilizer issues and thin out the fish (most tetras are at least two years old) I will change the tank completely. Need to get on top of things first. Also need to experiment on what weeds grow in my conditions. This is all new to me as my experience is with cichlids which destroy plants. Hopefully I can see a difference in a few weeks when I update with new pics. That's the plan anyway. :-)
  17. Changing the look of my tank. Using Aquagreen products now (started last week) so hopefully will notice a difference soon. Sure it looks better but it will take a while to repair excisting damage. This guy was hiding. Quick video. http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee433/ottobusman/orchids/c1db1602.mp4
  18. Thought it was melting but since I put a Dino Dung under it, it looks better. :-)
  19. Yea, got it Thursday Matt. I think I can see an improvement but a bit early yet. One of the plants you gave Jarrod, in the small bag, that is growing about 10 cm a day. Already going to be trimming it this week. :-).
  20. That looks fantastic Yan. What do you feed your plans with?
  21. Wow. Love that snakeskin (?) discus.
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