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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Hurry up mate. :-). What's taking you so long?
  2. Dont all young peppermints have the white stripe and lose it as they grow? Mine did.
  3. Fletch


    Vinegar does nothing. So guessing the rocks are ok?
  4. Fletch


    Yea, your right Matt but anything, no matter how good it is, in excess it will cause a problem. I still have a few left over. Will test em now with vinegar. Is white vinegar ok?
  5. Fletch


    24 hrs after set up. Ph. 7.6+ Ammonia. Just registered. 0.1mg/L Nitrite. 0 Nitrate. 0 Hhhmmmmm Just added three IAL leaves. I may have figured out a problem. I tied the java fern to some lose rocks I got at Bunnings. They are WHITE. I am sure I have read that almost all white rocks increase ph. Is this correct??????
  6. Fletch


    So should I remove it Matt?? Once it grows roots it will be a nightmare to remove.
  7. Fletch


    Only using the Elodia because it is quick growing and hope it helps prevent algae blooms. :-)
  8. Fletch


    Tank only about 50 litres. I thought the ph would drop not rise??? I have not put any IAL in the tanks so I can monitor how it runs. Will do my first lot of testing tonight.
  9. Fletch


    Not very often do we get no ideas what to put in this tank.....I need ideas people. Was thinking some WILDS or maybe a pair of Apistos.
  10. Fletch


    Thanks Jarrod. As he said. :-).
  11. Fletch


    As an eg of pearling. A really good sign. :-) Thanks everyone. I am very interested to see the results. If all goes well my 3ft community tank is next. :-)
  12. Fletch


    Already have some pearling on the elodia and Val. :-).
  13. Fletch


    Stops the bottom being disturbed when filling. Removed it once tank half full. :-).
  14. Fletch


    Thanks. I am happy with it. Will keep an eye on it over the coming weeks. With do test every two days, ph, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. Am open to all suggestions regarding the new inhabitants. :-)
  15. Fletch


    Ok. 8.15 and I am done. No fish yet, only just turned heater on. Will wait a week and see what happens. :-). Full tank shot. Left side. Middle. Right. What do you think??
  16. Fletch


    Ok. Added 3.5-5 cm top layer. Took forever to wash sand out but hopefully I did it well enough. Covered with glad wrap. Weighted in each corner with a rock. Filling via two airlines running in. Slow but don't want bottom disturbed. :-)
  17. Fletch


    Ok. Layer of unwashed sand, marble chips plus blood and bone. Will add washed layer of sand after dinner.
  18. Fletch


    Ok. 5.50pm, here is what I have. Will take photos along the way. Wish me luck. Stopping for dinner atsome stage. :-). Ps......cat not included. Lol.
  19. Thanks Ness. My java fern used to go like that and from what I have learnt, it's potassium. Since I started with the Aquagreen products, all good. @Sarah. Thanks. That is HM at the front. It was pretty sick before with bright green tops and the rest was rust coloured. Has really come back now. Yes, that is a male peppermint. :-). Tank is about to be pulled apart as I want to do a natural tank. My biggest issue is my substrate which had cichlids in mind. It is full of shellgrit so ph is always 7.8 approx. Hopefully I will do what Shadoh is about to do. I may try a smaller tank first as a trial run. Not sure, depends on my patience.
  20. That's a lot of finnage. Amazing. Thanks for sharing. :-)
  21. Lol. That variegated plant is the very rare annubia that has suffered nutrient defficience (potassium???) with a bit of black beard algae and lovely new shoots on the ends. ROFL. Thanks Ness, feel so much better now. :-)
  22. Good luck with them Sarah. Great looking fish. :-)
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