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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. I placed a small tank on a coffee table beside main tank. Fill small tank from main tank then transferred the inlet and outlet of the filter to the small tank before I caught fish to avoid sucking up the rubbish. Filter was off for 1 min, max.
  2. Not sure what you are referring to as the bacterial bloom Sarah? Sorry, I am a bit slow with these things, is it the gasping of the fish or the milky appearance of the water?? Since co2 was turned off, fish have improved. I was THINKING that I saturated the water overnight with it. As the tank was completed late arvo with 100% fresh water and then co2 hooked up, there might already have been co2 in the water and the plants didn't have long enough to use enough before lights out......does this make sense??? Then with the added stresses of the move, that's why I lost two neons and two rummynose. As for the milky water, not sure what the go is with this. Both tanks did the same, small tank took three days with no filter, big tank two days with canister filter running and the tank is crystal clear. The fish now look ok. They seem a bit skittish and not there full color or normal behavior but I think it may be the fact that there is a lot less weed and cover plus the tank is so much brighter now, I think mainly due to the white substrate. Any thoughts???
  3. Lol. I put fish in as soon as temp came up. Same day.
  4. Al fish look good this morning. Water is crystal clear. :-)
  5. Never cleaned the filter out so filter should be fine. All wood and rocks were in the tank before. From half hour after co2 was disconnected, the fish improved. No fish look sick or gasping now but not as active as usual. Haven't tested ammonia yet but don't see the need, at this stage. I did expect to lose fish. Doing a huge stressful move, twice in one day, plus new tank and 100% wc and taking into account we are talking about tetras, you will lose a few every time. :-).
  6. This tank is going crazy. All Val that is on the surface is pearling madly on the upper surfaces. They are also sending runners out in all directions. The water is crystal clear. The crypts color is good but I did a lot of damage to their roots cleaning them from the last putrid attempt, so most of the leaves have melted but I am hoping they will shoot once the roots have repaired a bit. Silly as it sounds, they still look better. All in all, this tank is going so well it made me do the three footer. :-)
  7. I haven't poked the substrate at this stage. Tank clearing up tonight. Had to move the tunnel out as the male bristlenose was digging so deep I was worried he would upset BB below. Lost a few fish today. Think it was the stress with the gasping this morning. A few others red around the gills so looks like I burnt em (co2 again?) so will lose a few more I think. Was prepared to lose a few. Big change in short period. As a whole, all going well.
  8. It's coming good. Will leave the co2 out at this stage.
  9. Could be mate. Makes sense. This tank is now ment to produce it's own co2 so maybe I have saturated the water overnight. It's was only connected as it was still going from the tank before the upgrade and I thought I might as well attach it. Maybe I shouldn't have. :-(.
  10. This morning I have fish gasping on the surface. I have disconnected the co2. Water looks milky which doesn't worry me as my last tank cleared up in about 3 days. Not sure about the gasping but I will keep an eye on em.
  11. Same bit of wood, yes it is real Ness. Thanks guys. Really hoping to see some good growth. Very excited and pleased with it.
  12. Thanks Wayne. :-). @Matt......thanks, hopefully this one will be ok. I am aware of the bubbles coming out of the sand but I am pretty sure the Java Fern and Val are both Pearling. I do have my DIY co2 hooked up and the tank is 100 times brighter, so would this be right Matt?
  13. Great news then, thanks Milk crate. :-)
  14. Lol. As above but this time with the lights. :-) Full tank. Left side. Sure the bristlenose are getting ready to spawn. Middle. Matts Lotus in the front. Hope this survives. Very little roots on it. Right.
  15. Today was the day. Took my 3ft community tank completely apart (other than filter :-)), scrubbed out and replaced all substrate. Feel very happy with the results and after 8 hrs with no lunch, I better be happy. :-). Before. Now. Fish just released and still stressed. Full tank. Left side. Right side. Can't believe how much weed I had left over. Threw out a good bucket, mostly java fern and Val. Much less chaotic now. What do you think?
  16. Sorry Matt. Hope you figure it out.
  17. That's ok mate, I will call you every hour. Lol. :-)
  18. The effect has been so drastic and obvious with this little tank, I am now doing my 3ft tank tomorrow. Will use the excisting lights and just change the substrate. Will replant the plants that are there and see what the difference is. So excited. :-)
  19. Just amazed. So quick. 3 days Ago. Now
  20. Pictures speak 1000 words. 3 DAYS AGO. TODAY Funny thing is, at lunch time I was sure I could see improvement with the plants, after ten minutes staring at the tank. Water has been a little "milky" and I honestly thought it was the new globe. Water is now crystal clear and it's hard to see any damage on any of the plants. Complete turnaround in eight hours. :-). Tank been set up 3days. Mire photos to come.
  21. That's is amazing mate. Looks fantastic. Might start looking at lights for my 3ft. :-)
  22. Lol. Sorry for the confusion. I meant Milkcrate. ROFL. :-)
  23. Do you need a chiller for the shrimp or you planning something else for this tank? Come on Shortstack, stop holding out on us. :-)
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