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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Thanks Ness. It's taken awhile for the fish to settle as the tank is a lot brighter and less plants now. Most plants doing well now. Even some I thought were dying in other substrate due to lack of light, seem to be growing now. I did notice lots of pearling when the sunlight was on the tank, it shines in for about 2-3 hrs, first thing in the morning. Due to this, I was thinking about removing back cover on the tank all together. Only problem then is you can see the curtains through the tank. :-(. As a whole, very happy at this stage.
  2. Have a look at there website Les. Explains it all there. I was hoping not to use them but untill the tank stabilizers, I think I need to. :-). Don't forget mate, I am flying blind. Never done this before so it would be a brave man to follow at this stage.
  3. The Dino products are from Aquagreen. I don't recommend using your tank as a toilet. Lol. :-)
  4. I use photobucket. It's free and easy to use. :-)
  5. Was worried about this tank as the same algae that plagued my other tank was showing in this one. The plants also were not doing much. I reconnected co2 wed, started using Dino Spit and Pee and the algae has all but gone. Plants were pearling last night which was a first for this tank. Also got some new chain sword and a pot of crypts, some hornwort plus cuttings from Shadoh. On a whole, very happy now it's growing. :-)
  6. Update...........algae went crazy. Fuzzy brown algae that seemed to collect on the bottom, especially around the base of the plants. Also on the glass. The way it spread and grew was scary. At the meet, both someone and Matt suggested more co2 and nutrients. Doesn't make sense to me as I thought this would make the problem worse. Well, it has worked very quickly. Think most will be gone very soon. Looks better every day. Using Dino Spit and Pee at this stage. Crypts are melting. So much damage was done to these with the last attempt, not really surprised. Hope they will reshoot soon though as am told that's what they do. Bought one pot of crypts, half of one pot of chain sword and a bunch of hornwort which I added Wednesday. These are doing well. Also daily wc for two days. Pls note, no filter in this tank. Anyway, heres some photos.
  7. That filled in the tank. Looks great mate. Really hope they spawn for you. :-)
  8. Yep. My little tank doing the same as of today. :-(
  9. Looks good mate. By the looks of the time you posted the photos, you went to bed when I got up. :-)
  10. That last shot is very nice mate. Loooovvvvveeeee that color. :-)
  11. Don't forget mate, I have a girl here if you need her. :-)
  12. First lot of tests. Ph. 7 Ammonia. 0.1-0.4mg/L Nitrite. 0.5 Nitrate. 50mg/L Doing 50% wc. Fish all look ok. Looks like the ammonia spike is already moving through naturally. Thoughts?????
  13. Happy B'day Hai. Hope you get lots of fishie presents.
  14. I would hate to think anyone ever got off my bus like that. Complain before he kills someone mate.
  15. Worse than city ones?? I have caught a bus into town with my wife and kids before, got on a friends bus and hung on for dear life. Christ he scared me *%#less. Nicest guy in the depot, laid back and relaxed but behind the wheel he was nuts. Maybe you are just more aware now, with your driving test and recent knowledge of dos and donts. :-)
  16. Look through some spawn logs, in the gene pool. Lots of answers and tips there. You will need a chiller for the axolotis, as far as I know. Sarah has quite a few and I am sure she will help you. She is very knowledgable about them. And welcome. :-)
  17. So what do you do from here?? Staff Xmas lunch, lol, you work from home and I thought you were the sole employee??????
  18. Lol. No worries Les. I love a new challenge. :-)
  19. Could be Matt. Really have no idea. :-)
  20. I know. And not just once. Both tanks. Maybe it's my water??
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