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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Back to your corner Serious Sarah and enough from you Milkcrate. ROFL. Ya gotta love these moments. We all have em at times. If you can't laugh at yourself, you shouldn't laugh at others. And you guys crack me up. :-)
  2. Oh no, what happened??? Sorry matt, hopefully the spawn again soon. :-)
  3. Is that ment to make me feel better Matt????? Lol
  4. Almost impossible in Brissie to get girls. I have been on the lookout for years. :-(
  5. ROFL. So sorry. I dug around today and when I looked closer it was a white suction cup. Lol. *who feels like an idiot????*
  6. Does Val flower??? I think I can see a white flower in the middle of the plant, just above base. Not sure. Anyone???? Photo. Zoom right in which makes it grainy but the best my iPhone will do?
  7. Oohhhhhh.......who you upset someone???? Lol.
  8. No cat poo. Thank Christ for that. will just keep an eye on them. :-) @Jarrod.....I can't net what I can't see. :-(
  9. Got home tonight and the cat has jumped onto the tank and gone straight through the lid. Gravel has been mixed up, a third of the water is gone and the weed is everywhere. The fish look totally freaked out. My question is.........the fish seem to be rubbing themselves on wood and plants. Is there a chance they caught fleas of the cat???? Should I worm and de flea my fish??? All advice welcome.
  10. Hope you have some luck with these Matt. :-)
  11. This didn't come up in My "New Content"???? Welcome, we have a good number of members breeding lots of great fish at the moment. In Brissie, we have Shadoh who is pumping out lots of PK at the moment and Ness, Kertaz and Felix (??) have some great HM at the moment (these people located in Melb but sure they ship). As far as I know, we have a few attempting giants but not sure if anyone has had any great success at this point of time. Welcome to the site. Photos will be requested if your fish. :-)
  12. Who cares where you really put it, just do it. Mods will put it in the right spot if it needs to be moved. Just make sure you put angels in topic title. :-) Well done. I want photos. Good luck Matt. I have lots of good bs eggs if you need some. :-)
  13. Today's update. Tank is so clear. Still algae/fuzz on some weed but tank looking really good. Val has gone nuts and tank is very full. New house mates due next week. :-)
  14. Look at your angel. Lol. Good live food for them. :-). Put in lots of floating plants or even normal stem plants but leave em floating. You will see em when they are born. From my experience the new fry will be around the surface. Photos would help. :-)
  15. Get a Phyligalis (spelling) or Grassipiss (Lol, spelling) birdeater spider. Better than the basic ones, VERY agro, grow very big and eat live mice. That enough action for you Matt??? Ps. Nice photos again Jim.
  16. That's awesome Jim. Thanks for sharing the photos. :-)
  17. @Matt.......the one I got off someone, no idea of the name, sorry. Would love a red lotus as well. And lastly, the other plant I got off Jarrod does seem to be growing.
  18. Some examples of the surprises with the plants. I bought this one of someone. Loved the plant but it melted in the tank before the makeover. Thought that it wasn't getting enough light and would not survive this time either. I think it's coming back. I really hope so. :-). I got these off Jarrod and to be brutally honest, I was not impressed by the look of it (out of water) and almost threw it out. now I love it. Can't wait to be able to take some trimmings and spread it around. Got this Lotus off Matt. It has been moved four times since I have owned it and it just keeps growing. First but definitely not my last Lotus. :-). Still have not done a wc on this tank. Hasn't required it. Will do one over the next few days. All Rummynose look good and they are usually the best indicator if something is not right with the water. When there face pales out, I reach for the test kit. :-)
  19. That's sounds good Les. :-). Photos please.
  20. I thought a sponge filter was a big no no in a NPT??? Read somewhere a powerhead was better???? Just a cheapie from kmart (about $20) with a sponge pre filter??
  21. No filter in this tank at all Les. Water movement is preferable but I wanted to give it a go without a filter. The hot water rising from the heater will create some movement. External filter is being used on my 3 footer. :-)
  22. Thanks Jennie and Sarah. :-)
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