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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. I would prefer staff be honest and admit they aren't sure then you could at least do a quick search on your phone at least for some answers.

    Nothing makes a person look stupider than carrying on like they actually know what they are talking about and you KNOW they are wrong. Have watched a certain person do this on numerous occasions but can't be bothered arguing with them. I always wonder how they will feel when/if they realise just how wrong they are.

    A little knowledge is dangerous for most people.

  2. After researching I settled on these as because of easy care with fry. These guys are very social until breeding. In this size tank I will be ok with one breeding pair. Once there is lots of fry the parents stop spawning or only spawn low numbers. By this time I can either sell to local shops or set another tank up to raise them.

    Got friends with a pet Oscar, always looking for feeders. Lol.

  3. Fake rocks. Lol. Much safer for the fish. Had a $50 price tag on each and got both for $40. Was quite happy with that.

    Biggest issue with cichlids is aggression, especially in a small tank. From my understanding, this will go two ways,

    1. Male forms a harem and breeds with numerous girls. This could be a disaster as he won't be allowed to raise the fry of either and the girls would kill him defending their fry.

    2. Two fish pair off, start to set up area to spawn then kill other two. From this point on they should breed regularly and have multiple spawns of various ages living happily in the one tank.

    That's the dream anyway. Will see what happens. :-)

  4. Set one of the new 2 footers I got. Decided on these guys fur to them being such great parents and apparently easy to breed.

    Bought two from a LFS, long story but I got nice fish and 3 online. Of the 3 I bought one is a gonner do that will leave four. Should get one pair. Already interesting behaviour between 3 of the biggest.



  5. @Jarrod......you better hide buddy, bloody convicts, not now, not EVER.

    I really want a fish with a bit of character. Would prefer egg layer as interesting to watch the breeding process and my kids can watch the whole thing. Was leading toward cichlids for this reason. Macs of course would be considered but not really affordable at this stage. Killies are not my cup of tea, too fiddly with eggs ect. Would much prefer something with maternal instincts as well. :-)

    At this stage we have Apistos in tank decorated with wood and rocks, Shell dwellers in basic setup.

    Anything else.

  6. Ok. Where I am at is this, I already have lots of tanks and am pushing the limit as it is, I was thinking Shellies or Electric yellows as both are quite happy with a pretty basic tank, sand, shells, few small rocks for shellies and bare bottom with rock structure for yellows. My friend breeds lots of electric yellows in a tiny tank, strips the male and raises fry seperate. More commercial than enjoyment. Not doing this. :-(.

    Apistos really need planted aquarium which needs lights (got some LEDs coming soon from Davo) but much more involved to setup. My wife may just kill me if I was to go down this road. Still might though. Lol

    Don't forget I have a 3ft planted tank with lots of tetras ect as well. Love all the ideas everyone, keep em coming as I still haven't decided. :-).

  7. Just scored two new 2ft tanks (thanks Pete). Same old question, what do I put in them??

    Still need to rearrange the room to accommodate them but......

    I am thinking shellies, maybe Apistos. Even electric yellows but would prefer egg layer over mouth brooder. :-)


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