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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. As most of you would be aware, I have been putting a lot of effort into growing healthy plants lately. While I have been happy with my success (?), I just got a reality check. When I rescaped my tank, I chose the best of the weed i had and put the rest in a 20ltr bucket in the yard. Forgot all about it. Redid my spawn tank and was looking for some Java Fern. Checked the bucket and it looks BETTER than the stuff in my tank. what the?. Can't tell you how much this has taken the wind out of my sails. :-(
  2. There color changes pretty quick. First time I have caught it on camera. Normally I get camera and they fade out. This time I had my phone on me. :-)
  3. Algae seems a lot better. Think the girls are lonely though, boys arrive next week. Look happy enough, eat anything. :-).
  4. What about the other pair of Channoides you had ordered?? Pics please Matt. :-)
  5. Happy Birthday Matt. :-) I rekon you will have your license before Jarrod does. Lol. Hope you have a great day and get lots of bargains at Jodis.
  6. These are the runners. They are everywhere!!!!! Not going to be good to be pulling these out all the time. :-(
  7. Start treatment today. Five day coarse, 100% expected success rate. :-). As no filter in this tank I will do weekly wc and regular tests. Just did 60% wc with manually removing/sucking up algae. There was a mix up and I was sent two girls. All good, now I have two boys coming next week. :-)
  8. Eg of Blue/Green Algae. About to do a clean up of this tank. Thought I would share for everyones benefit. :-)
  9. Wow. That really does look good mate. Like the way you shot the video too, might give it a try myself tomorrow. :-)
  10. Lol. That's a pile of rocks with a cave and tunnel. Peppermint dug out under large rock and lives there. I do agree it's in the wrong spot but I moved it so many times I just left it. Now it's growing, I don't want to disturb the substrate by pulling it up (these have long roots don't they?) so my idea is to keep it trimmed. Hopefully it will send out a runner and I will use that in a better position, then cut this one out once I am sure I don't need it.
  11. Thanks Sarah. I have just compared old shots to the new ones and the growth is amazing. Funny that it was only 3 weeks ago (almost), it feels a lot longer. Totally blown away to be honest and am amazed I haven't killed it all. Ps, have no Java Moss left alive in ANY tanks. Lol.
  12. Thanks Sarah. Needs a clean up. That's it. Will do other tank tomorrow. :-)
  13. Before clean and trim. More????
  14. Looks fantastic mate. Looking at yours makes me want my T5 lights NOW.
  15. Lol. You are in fine form today mate. Amazing what a good sleep does. @Les....,,will post some tomorrow, just for you mate. :-)
  16. How rude............can't remember seeing any photos of your tank lately. Lol. See what I can do over the next few days. :-)
  17. You are right Matt. Googled it and read up on it, looked at pics and there is no doubt. Thanks for your help Matt.
  18. Was a well cycled filter I used so I think I lost fish due to stress. I was pretty rough with em and it was done all in one day. All good. Yes, I would love to replace the angels. :-).
  19. Thanks Matt. That's awesome. :-)
  20. Checked this tank closely this morning and wow, I am in trouble. Val is sending runners shooting all over the middle of the tank and the swords are going nuts. I took the back mural off the tank and it now gets a few hrs of sunlight. No algae troubles in this tank. Rummynose look fantastic, lots of color. Lost a few fish in the start (only have one Angel left :-( ) but all look very happy now. Very happy with this tank. Will clean up tomorrow and trim LOTS of weed out before it becomes a hassle. :-)
  21. This tank going along nicely. The fish all look happy, most plants have new shoots and Val needs trimming again. I do have an algae problem in this tank. I am using Dino Spit and Pee to try and help but the algae is taking over. It is mainly on the floating plants, very blue/green in color and slimmy to touch. Will take all floating plants out of this tank tomorrow.
  22. Lol @Adam. Welcome Steve. Would love to see photos *poke*. :-)
  23. Very nice Jennie. Who you going to pair him with??
  24. Good job Ness. Some great photos entered in all categories. Well done everyone. :-)
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