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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Completed course of antibacterial meds and the blue/green algae has gone. Ya. Now I have the algae that gathers at the base of the plants back. :-(. Have done a wc and clean up and started the Dino products again. I am using canned co2 with a bell diffuser in this tank. I can see the levels going down in the diffuser but not very confident it's doing much. Ps. Boy Channoides arrive tomorrow.
  2. I have noticed that all the algae is around the co2 diffuser. Is this a coincidence???? The glass and the weed is both affected at this end. Other end a lot better....... Need to trim the weed out again. :-) Ps. Have started using the Dino products again.
  3. Thanks Wayne. Can't wait to get some decent lights.
  4. I stopped using the Dino products hoping the tank would be able to sustain itself. In the last week I have this growing. But saying that, the plant growth is astonishing. I now have two DIY co2 bottles going. Can you trim Amazon swords. This bloody thing is almost touching the surface now.
  5. This is a fantastic thread. Thanks for taking the time to do it Wayne. Well done. :-)
  6. Lol. Your too quick. I realized and edited but you noticed.
  7. Lol. Great job. Looks cool. :-)
  8. I thought that was the goal last year Wayne?? Lol.
  9. The algae in this tank is all but gone. I can still see a bit here and there but it's dying. Saying that, I forgot the third dose last night. :-(. Will just do a normal dose tonight and continue treatment for an extra day.
  10. Take your time. Use Blood and Bone (not the B&B plus which has caused our probs I think), lots of floating plants and lots of chain swords as well, good lights are a must and GO FOR IT. Also check out Waynes tip with using bottle to put sand in. Best tip I have been given for years. Was too late for me though.
  11. Lol. Rummynose are so quick, they never sit still. In case you were wondering, I have fallen for these guys. Look great and also first indicators of poor water quality. Tetras
  12. Great tip with the sand in the bottle. Will TRY and remember it. :-)
  13. Some inhabitants. :-) School of Betta? Lots of nice girls. Got some more.......
  14. Wow. Not much else I can say mate........except "WHERE'S THE PHOTOS OF THE FISH". Lol. Very envious, my wife and kids would leave me tomorrow if I bought a set up like that home. :-)
  15. Lol. Doesn't it always take longer than expected??
  16. Thanks everyone. Feel better now. Was pretty deflated yesterday. Lol. :-)
  17. Thanks Les. I know even less about wilds. This is my first attempt at wilds and mouthbrooders. I am very excited about it. :-)
  18. That's one thing I still kill. In every tank. It just doesn't like me. :-(
  19. They looked very happy Matt (rams) and I am so disappointed you wouldn't show me your other tanks. That lotus was HUGE. :-)
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