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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Don't think discus would as I have seen them with neons a lot. Photos are a must Adam, once you do it of course. :-)
  2. Is that it???? 24 hrs for that. And where is the music??? Always enjoy your soundtracks. :-)
  3. Another shot at me. Lol. This could damage a friendship (you will not get rid of me that easy). Hope you survive mowing in this ridiculous heat. Please note Wayne, still no photos, lots of excuses though.
  4. Happy birthday Wayne. Hope you have a WILD one. Lol. Have a great day mate.
  5. You couldn't help yourself. You just had to have a go. :-P That looks really nice mate. Like that painted background. Where's the fish?
  6. Not sure about painting the sides, I know the fish will love it but then I couldn't watch them "get it on". You know about my mirror this morning. Lol.
  7. Your safe Razzi, I drive in Brissie. Lol. :-). Thankyou Lilli for this wonderful site and the huge amount of info available to us all. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do in the future. Congratulations Razzi. Hope this forum can continue for many years to come. *bows head*
  8. You are very lucky Sarah. Looks like you can fit a few more tanks in yet. :-P.
  9. Happy birthday. Have a great day. :-)
  10. Would make a fantastic planted shrimp tank. /-).
  11. Happy b'day Les. Hope you have a fantastic day with your family and friends. :-)
  12. RIP Panda. Sorry Sarah. :-(
  13. Go to te doctors and get a script. The stuff I used worked a treat. I still have 20, 250g tablets here but i think you would need at least all of that. I used 1 tablet for 50ltr daily. Good luck Matt.
  14. That's the part I don't understand. What business can afford to accept fish in this condition??? You got them through your work?? What do they say? Would they accept that fish to be displayed for sale?? I can't believe that fish is supplied and just goes to show that sometimes the poor retailer can't be held to blame. Bad business sense, all round, to me. :-(
  15. Dont have good lighting though Matt. Can't just keep increasing nutrients and co2 with crap lighting, can I?? Thought that may be my issue actually????
  16. Yep. I know the feeling. Good luck Yan. If anyone can bring em back to good health, you can. :-)
  17. As above. Lol. Welcome oh Mysterious One. :-)
  18. When I stopped Dino products, I started second co2 bottle (DIY) so that should have compensated for the lack if Spit. But nothing to replace Pee (nutrients). Now I have that brown fuzzy algae plus green algae on the back glass that gets the morning sun. Ps. Damn, wrong tank. Lol. This applys to 3ft.
  19. I was using Dino Spit which is co2. Algae did go away and I stopped using it. Have had a bell diffuser in this tank with co2 in a can but not real confident it's doing much. I am now using the Dino products again in both tanks. Not sure if it's the Spit or Pee that is making the difference. My other tank has algae since I stopped using these and I have DIY co2 hooked up on that tank. That tells me it's nutients as much as co2?? Thoughts???? The whole idea of this tank was to avoid using daily chemicals. If I need to use the Dino products as well, so be it. They are not expensive. :-)
  20. You going to do it? I have an extra air pump and stone if you need it. :-)
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