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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Really, another week?? Use your phone camera. Bad photos are better than none. :-)
  2. Haven't trimmed in a few weeks. Can't at the moment. I usually clear duckweed out every wc and trim when needed. It does need a clean up at the moment but not untill male releases. Hopefully fry have a better chance in the tank.
  3. Not bad, huh..... No filter and I add no nutrients at all. Stoked with this tank. :-)
  4. I knew this tank was doing ok but it's when I looked at the photos on the previous page that I realized how good the plant growth has been. In two weeks it is really a jungle in there. Can't do anything in the tank ATM as boy is holding. Full tank shot.
  5. Really hope you have some luck here Adam. I LOVE these fish, so beautiful and are real characters. Never had any luck with them though. I am thinking about trying them again in my NPT tank. Good luck mate. :-)
  6. Fletch


    Welcome. Don't be shy, we were/are all amatures at some stage. :-) Photos are a must. :-)
  7. I think the two I got off you Matt might be getting ready to spawn. Behavior has changed, bit of soft nipping at each other and have seen them both cleaning the one leaf of an amazon sword. Fingers crossed. :-) Good luck with yours Matt.
  8. Very nice Sarah. :-). Lovely color. Good job Paul.
  9. Very interested in this. Thanks MTS. :-). The growth rate of these guys must be quick, can't wait to see it. :-)
  10. I have two threads going at the moment in the community tank section. Have a look Jennie and I will answer any question best I can. I used "River Sand" from the landscapers yard. Needed a good wash but it cost $2 for 20kg.
  11. Very nice Sarah. You planning inbreeding the gouramis? They are stunning fish. :-)
  12. Fletch


    Welcome Megz, hopefully you can share your DIY tips as well. I am excited I have done a few recently, co2 and bbs hatchery.........and...............yep, that's about as far as my skills go. Lol. Welcome. :-)
  13. Tv wouldn't last anyway, it's taking up valuable rack space. Lol. Fantastic. Keep us posted. Nothing but a dream for me though. :-).
  14. Why do a wc? I would have thought with those readings you would be better off leaving it. :-)
  15. I thought you had moved that out???? Still looks good. Almost no reason to go into the house other than eat and sleep.
  16. It looks very neat mate. That room is really looking good now, can't believe it hasn't spilt over into your office. :-)
  17. Thanks Les. Mine has been trial and error if it grows and I like it, it stays, if it struggles or it looks "messy", it goes. :-)
  18. Thanks Les. Happy with the growth so am happy to use the co2. Not sure about the bell diffuser though. All good. @Shadoh......still one Cory that I can't catch swimming around. Have had no "action" inthe tank but last night I did a big wc. Both girls showed an immediate change in both apperance and behavior. The boys freaked out a bit as they are not as used to me poking around, yet. Lol. Gave em a good feed of bs and fingers crossed they become eager. Going to do a small wc again tonight. I think the trick was using cool water. (thanks Wildnut).
  19. Thanks Matt & Sarah. :-) This tank going crazy. Most cripts are now getting new leaves and all looks good. Still some algae around but much less and not getting worse, just clearing slowly. I use nothing in this rank other than canned co2 in a bell diffuser. Not confident it actually does much but not doing any harm, so why not. Still no filter at all. Fish all look like they like it. :-).
  20. Thought I would post this as well. This is the view when I open the lids. Empty it out every wc. :-0.
  21. Should I update this one or let the thread die out????
  22. Sounds all a bit Tasmanian for me..........
  23. Welcome. Great to have more local members. As Ness said, we are all suckers for photos. Would love to see some pics. :-)
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