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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. You may never want to handle them but as he gets bigger you still have to move them to clean their inclosure. It was a very nervous time in our house. They have such HUGE fangs and I could see venom droplets at the end of them sometimes. Very interesting pet. Can't wait untill you see it molt. Freaky to say the least. Just make sure you remove the empty shell and not the spider. :-)
  2. Being bitten by one of these guys can vary in results. They are not considered "dangerous". A bite from this can result in a couple of puncture wounds that has a tendency to get infected. You can be sick for a few hours after as well. Then they always say my favourite, "people can die from bee stings" so care must be taken. Please be careful Matt. Mine was nasty. Very quick, VERY strong, mine could lift a glass lid with a brick on it. It stuck it's legs out of corner and lifted with it's back. It would have got out but we tapped the lid on well. It also used to eat live pinkie mice, when it bit the pinkie, the strike was that hard it could break it's back. :-0. It worked for me to get over my fear. Now not scared of spiders but I have a LOT of respect for them. These guys are a solid spider, nasty looking and make a huntsman look like a cuddly kitten.
  3. ROFL. Your a bit young for Alzheimer's yet Ness.. :-)
  4. Welcome. Always great to have another local here. If you don't know about LFS in Annerley, you soon will. Lol. Search someone 65 on YouTube. Another good supply is from Jim in Sydney (Jha) and he ships to your door. :-). He sells on here. We also have a new club up and running here in Brissie so if you can come along to a meeting (& late night shopping spree after hours in Fishchicks) you would be more than welcome. Anyway, welcome and enjoy the forum. They are all a friendly lot here. :-)
  5. This is is German but self explanatory. Sorry but the Absinth comment reminded me of this. Ps. Drug references. Please do not watch if you may be offended.
  6. Another crazy night planned for the "crazy fish lady". Lol.
  7. Very nice Jennie. Love the wood. :-) Have you decided which wilds you are getting?
  8. Very nice mate. Fingers crossed you have some luck.
  9. Lol. You will fit in fine JP. great to see you online. :-)
  10. Lol. Welcome to the forum. We all love photos and since you already have a spawn underway, these will be a must. :-). Most of the members here have a few other pets as well so you are in good company. Great to see a new QLD member.
  11. Cherries like colder temps. $4.50 each is way overpriced. Just put the word out. $1 each is a great "mates rates" price, (I was given mine) but if you are buying from a retail outlet I would expect 10 for $25 max. I was given a dozen or so about three weeks ago and I have two girls berried ATM. So don't buy too many at first. Good luck in your search. :-).
  12. Fletch


    Nice photo Les. Sure he will hold soon. :-).
  13. Fantastic news Sarah. Well done. Am hoping this is the spawn drought broken. :-)
  14. Thanks Matt. By the looks, not very many are fertile. :-(. All good.
  15. I have a pack of four hundred leaves that Jeff sent over at least 12 mths ago, still in original pack he sent them in and they seem fine. Airtight and in a plastic bag on a shelf below wild tanks. Other packs that have been opened and left laying around also are ok. These get no direct sunlight though. :-)
  16. This morning most of the eggs are white but a few are still clear. One still fanning eggs and agro towards other. So does anyone know if this is a sign of fertility??? Did a search online and from what I found, these eggs are infertile. :-(.
  17. Ok, thanks. Would doubt any would survive in this tank if they did know what they're doing. Lol. All good. Just happy that they are happy in the tank. Sooner something eats the eggs, the better. :-)
  18. One had a very prominent egg tube, other one no where near as pronounced but there. My thoughts are I have two girls ???????
  19. Got home today and noticed my angels were behaving funny in the middle of a amazon sword. Watched for awhile then forgot about them. Now one is madly fanning a few hundred eggs between beating the crap out of the other one. What's the normal behavior with these guys???
  20. Roflmao. So much suspense. Can't wait for next step. Ps......I truly LOVE this "stuff". :-)
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