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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Yep, same as Yan. My Red Rocket boy that I raised was my definition of perfect. No bent rays, full thick, even rays, great color and great attitude. Learnt a valuable lesson with him. Would love to find a replacement but haven't seen one that comes close since.


  2. We had a day of fasting today (oops) and was about to turn the fish lights out when I noticed the fish were all schooled at the front, staring at me. :-).


    Even dad joined in.



    Not sure if this is a princess or a show pony boy. Either way the others seem to like it. Lol.


  3. Thanks. The pair I sold were almost the same size as their mother (we had a horrible time telling the boy and mother apart) and the ones still in the tank would be 1/3 to 1/2 adult size.

    I recommend these guys to anyone that wants a go at mouth brooders, great fish. Will definitely be selling soon.


    Ps. Stopped spawn log as it was never ending. Boy kept getting mouthful after mouthful. Once I separated, I stopped log. All info in there though. :-)

  4. I honestly thought dad would munch. Or at least the bigger siblings would eat new fry. There are actually 3 batches in the tank although it only looks like two. There are also another four in another tank with mum.

    @Josh......the girls are stunning when in spawning colors. I find it strange the girl you got off me is so different to yours. Glad you are happy with them. They will be my grand kids. Lol. :-)

  5. Sold the oldest pair to Josh. He is happy with them. Thought I would take a quick snap of the rest. There are a few that are flaring ect but no real color yet. Not far away. Got no idea how I will catch the boys as they declare themselves as once stressed, they are almost impossible to tell apart.

    Can count at least 30. Dad is in this tank with them so I am pretty sure he has not eaten any.



  6. Big thing I learnt is try lots of plants. Some fail, pull them out and let the ones that work grow out.

    This is my lazy tank. Whole idea was to not have to add anything and cut out weekly/fortnightly water changes. I now only add Dino Pee & Spit if I feel the plants need a boost. Maybe once a month, maximum. I do water changes every 6-8 weeks if I feel like it. Only running 2 T8 lights with good light spectrum globes.

    I think the trick is the substrate and waiting patiently for the tank to find its own balance. Took awhile but VERY happy with the result.

    Ps. Worming tank today just invade Rams need it. :-)

  7. Rams are ok, not round but they aren't too skinny. They eat like pigs. :-).

    The photos of the fish are taken after clean out of plants. Trimmed all the val, thinned out the sword runners as they were that thick it was silly. Tank a bit to bare ATM but give it a month or two and it will be thick again. Swords would like more light, hoping thinning out surface plants plus trimming val will help. :-)

    Got a nice bag of weed for you Jarrod. :-)

    Ps. Sword through a runner out. Cut it off and gave the four or five pups to Jarrod. How are they going mate?

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