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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Got me too. :-). Happy birthday MTS. Hope you get lots of fishie presents.
  2. Hhhmmmm, water is even more cloudy now. :-(
  3. Was ment as a compliment mate. Liked the look of the photos but as I said when I saw it, it looks better IRL. :-)
  4. They look happy enough mate. That tank look so much better IRL than the photos show.
  5. As the people at the meeting know, I decided to treat my shrimp to some banana yesterday. Left the piece in overnight, took it out first thing this morning. Tank looked fine. This arvo the water is cloudy and most of the shrimp are up the top which is unusual. I did a 40% wc and the water is still cloudy. What do I do? There is no filter in this tank. Should I drain 80% and refill? I also noticed tiny baby shrimp for the first time as well. I don't really want my tank to crash now. Help.
  6. Thanks Jennie and Jarrod. :-). Fingers crossed I can keep them alive.
  7. My new additions I scored from someone last night. I blame Adam. :-). These are one of my all time Favourite fish but with my old substrate the ph was to high and they usually died not long after purchase. These guys still need to color up a bit but the tank they were in at the shop was with severons on these guys were coming off second best. One of my angels. Very fat.
  8. She is going to beat you up once she reads this. ROFL.
  9. Don't you have "Show and Tell" at your school. Lol. :-)
  10. How come your not at school Matt?? Has Sarah arrived yet?
  11. Just a quick update. Tank going nuts. I have two female Channoides and one male plus fry in this tank. I have been feeding bbs in this tank and from experience, if anything is going to cause a ammonia spike, bbs is it. I tested the tank today and my ammonia reading was 0. I can't believe it, no filter in this tank. I am stunned. I understand the theory of NPT but couldn't really believe it would work as well as it is. Doing wc because I had already started it when I tested it. Totally blown away. :-)
  12. Lick them??????? I want to watch Matt. Maybe even lick a spider. :-)
  13. Crap mate. You have your barracks coverd, don't you? If she wanted to get out that bad, not much you can do. Sorry mate, as you say to me, chin up. :-)
  14. I might try moving my spray bar and see if I can get it to gather at the back. Got to try something. Thanks everyone for your input. :-)
  15. Funny that I get this in the community tank but very little in my wild NPT tank that has no filter. Looks like it's normal and I have to live with it. :-(
  16. I have a canister filter in this tank. 24 hrs and it's back. I was hoping it would disappear but it's not. WHAT DO I DO MATT? The tank has been set up for months. @Sarah. My lighting is not great but should be ok. T8, two plant tubes.
  17. I get rid of it with a garden hose but it returns 24 hrs later. I have had this since day one. I thought it was algae and was hoping it would settle down and go away but no luck. It is only in the one corner. None anywhere else. So confused.
  18. Don't think that's it Adam. This is really fine particles and is not fixed to anything. When the cories bury through it they send up a cloud of it. Very frustrating and ugly.
  19. Please help. I clean this out and 24 hrs later it's back. Co2 doesn't dissolve it when applied directly. Any ideas how go control it?
  20. Lol. Now where you going to put your wilds, huh? Easy to see in there, think they will look good. I knew that mulberry tree that's growing beside your house will come in handy. :-)
  21. Not sure I would be saying pede-file. :-)
  22. Looks good Ness. Very enjoyable read as well. :-)
  23. Will see if I can find any. Think I have a few on the computer. Will check later.
  24. No, they don't eat it. Mine was jet black after molting, and hairless. That's how I was certain. Just remember, before they molt, they look dead. Even on there backs with legs curled up. Don't touch them. They are very cranky and vulnerable at this point. I used an ice cream container over them and slide the lid under. Gets harder when they are almost as big as the container. :-) Ps....does your mum know yet????
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