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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Lol. Would be a bit silly to keep it when you are the one donating it. ;-). This comp has raised a lot of excitement in the club and I only think it's fair you compete. You have SUPPLIED everything, from the fish to the prizes and I would be dissapointed if you didn't participate. Knowing you for as long as I have mate, I rekon you would give the good fry to others and keep the dregs for yourself. Would bet my weeks pay on it.
  2. Speaking for myself only Jarrod, I can't see an issue with you competing. It's only a fun comp and I doubt anyone would object. If you won a prize, you could always raffle it off on the night (raise a bit more money). What's everyone else think????
  3. If you do get short on numbers mate, I am happy to pass. :-) Ps. It is fantastic to see the response this has got. There is so much excitement. :-)
  4. Great looking fish. Wish I could afford them. :-(. Hope you get them to spawn Wayne.
  5. Wow. That looks really good Jennie. :-)
  6. LMAO. You all need to get your minds out of the gutter. I guess with my sheltered upbringing, I just don't see it when I write it. I really am quite shocked.
  7. Can't wait Les. If you have some luck it might just be the push I need. :-). I almost bought some of someone.
  8. Happy birthday mate. Hope you had a great day. :-)
  9. Lol. I love the wild, overgrown look. :-). All my tanks are taking on that look now. I wish I could grow moss on a peice of wood. Sounds so simple but WHY CAN'T I GROW MOSS..........:-(. Lol. Feel better now.
  10. After last nights meeting, I had one empty tank (Channoides pair went to Jennies :-). ) and a gift bag of goodies. Sarah gave me a fake rock formation which is so much bigger than I thought. Water level doesn't even cover it. Lol. Jarrod gave me some offcuts of wood he had (love that small knob bit) plus weed and a lttle pot of crypts from someone. I stripped the tank and saw a few fry still swimming around. Not sure if these guys will make it but we shall see. I am quite happy with the out come. I will use this tank to hold my female Channoides untill I feed the boy back up again. Then move either one, not sure yet. Depends how many fry is in with the boy (will be the third batch he will have released). Best part is I can strip this tank in five minutes and it cost me nothing. :-)
  11. If they are the gold pair from someone they are fantastic fish. :-). That male has great form (better than the photo shows) and the color is just gorgeous. I almost bought them myself. Good luck in the spawn tank. They looked compatable when uncarded.
  12. Lol. Looking good. ROFL. What substrate are you going for this time?
  13. A friend of mine has had the police arrive twice, with a search warrant as neighbors have called up about the running water noises in his back garage. He has a full fish room set up. Would be funny except they always arrive EARLY in the morning and drag him out of bed. Lol. :-)
  14. First your microworm culture. Immediately make another one. Use a rectangle takeaway container and crush up 2.5 weetbix. Moisten and grab a spoonful of other culture (full layer of old culture), place this on top of weetbix. Cover in a good amount of yeast. About two weeks and this will be teeming. Repeat again. That way there is no original mixture in your new culture. Weetbix doesn't smell anywhere near as bad. :-). Bbs. Best tip here is get GOOD quality eggs. I use coke bottle method. Takes ten minutes to make. I run two at a time and always have bbs ready to feed. Even my tetras eat bbs. :-). If you need a photo, I will take one for you. Just have a go. I was hesitant about it, never used live food before but its fantastic and cheap. :-) Ps, my mixture for bbs is Approx 1ltr water. I tablespoon of sea salt flakes, stirred in. Half max of teaspoon of eggs. No light other than room light (kitchen bench) and no heat (but I live in Brissie). 36 hrs and I have heaps. 48 hrs in winter. I suck them up with a syringe and airline and squirt that, as is, into the tank. Usually get two feeds per mix. That's feeding two or three tank with various amounts of fish/fry.
  15. Micro worms are the easiest to harvest and look after. Seriously, I was amazed how easy they are. :-).
  16. Lots of progressive shots Ness. And full care list and wc record, as done, if people want......
  17. Looks good Harry. Love the way you have the shelves setup. :-)
  18. Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you will fit right in. :-). As Ness said, photos are a must. Please. Lol.
  19. Only a few Rummynose found dry under the lounge. Lol. :-). That a great party trick Wayne. Can't see any fish wanting to be in a tank with breeding convicts though. Nasty fish.
  20. what the????? Even after my attempted murder of mine and massive wc I still have some swimming around. Think I lost the shrimplets but still have a few berried. Sorry mate, no advice because I don't know. :-(
  21. Very interesting Ness. Keep us updated please.
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