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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Thanks Sarah. Watch your Rummys closely, long before you realize something is up, these guys lose all color in their nose as soon as water not up to scratch. Worth the purchase price just for that. :-).
  2. The betta girls went straight from growout into community tank so I haven't had any issues. Once I jar a girl, I don't re introduce her back. I find that once jarred they change, become very territorial. Only issue I had was algae at the start but that settled itself really.
  3. There is one cello girl and another that is going that way. I think you get a glimpse of her in the following video. Really love the Rummynose, cant praise these guys enough. Tank is very relaxing, no bullying at all. Shame the hardscape disappeared. Lol. http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee433/ottobusman/34bf78f2.mp4 @Matt......very funny Milkcrate. You grow me the moss rocks and I will kill them slowly. :-)
  4. From this.... To this.... Hardscape all but gone. Chain sword has taken over bit I like the effect. Very happy with this tank. Very little maintenance now it's up and running, do water changes when I feel like it.
  5. Mine are all red. Is this normal??? Lol Very excited about this. Will be very interesting in 3 mths to see everyone's fish. :-)
  6. Don't forget to strain the water once you have aged it and before adding it to the tank........... Too far??? Lol.
  7. Just don't start giggling uncontrollably. ROFL.
  8. I blame you Yan. You are a terrible influence to little innocent Sarah. :-).
  9. Happy birthday. Have a great day.
  10. Welcome Tom. Sure you will have better luck this time. As already said, ask lots of questions if you need to, there is always someone that can help. :-)
  11. Yes. Lol. He didn't look like that last time I saw him.
  12. Wow. Hard to believe it's the same fish. Is that a true refection of his color???
  13. Looks good Sarah. Thankyou. Lol. :-)
  14. I'm with you BH, can't draw, can't paint, can't build either. Actualy, I can't think of much I can do now. Lol. :-). Very exciting Sarah, I am very jelous. ;-). Now you have the fun part. Must say though, you have no proof. Photos are a must before you start gloating. :-)
  15. Very nice Ashley. Looks good. Good luck with you CTPK line. :-)
  16. Looks good mate. :-). Do you have a chiller on this tank?
  17. That tank is fantastic Ness. All the plants look healthy and love the layout. Well done. :-).
  18. As I am watching your Killie threads with growing interest mate, I have a few questions. 1. Photo please of breeding mop. What's it made of, how you make it ect.. 2. How you harvest eggs and how you store them. 3. Should you store you eggs untill you have, say, 20 then hatch all together? That would be great to start. Considering these guys in the near future. :-)
  19. That's fantastic Sarah. So exciting. :-). Keep the photos coming with future progress.
  20. Looks good mate. Did you replace substrate? I wouldn't add the cories. Just another issue if they spawn, which is a goal, right?
  21. Fletch

    Baby angelfish

    They are so cute. Well done Neffy. I am loving my angels more and more. Great fish. :-)
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