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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. I am extremely grateful to Jim and must say the fish were packed perfectly (I took notes lol) and the quality and health of the fish is top notch. I have seen quite a few pairs that Jarrod has purchased from Jim and the fish have always arrive safely and in good health.

    I must say, in the time I have been associated with this site (18 mths??), I have met some wonderful people from almost every state in Australia. In this time, on numerous occasions, from many different people, you see random acts of kindness. Such acts can really have a profound effect on the other person.


  2. As you all know, I had a killer aggressive disease in a tank which was fatal to the fish involved in 24 hrs. I scrub tank out in 40/60 bleach solution, soaked have fern, rinsed sponge filter out in above solution, then rinsed all well. Sat tank with sponge, heater in sun all day.

    Just set tank back up with 50/50 rain water and aged treated tap water.

    My dilemma is I am now choosing my "test" fish from my supply of freaks and "almost ran" fish I still have. I feel bad. I think the tank is ok but I still feel like I am doing the wrong thing.

    Do you do this?

  3. Really sorry to hear this Matt. I think it's a great idea not to sell your stuff, even filters ect as if you ever want to get back into it, you can. :-).

    All the best for your creepy crawlies. :-)

  4. Ok. The boy is how he looks. Metallic Grizzled CT ??

    Not sure if Jim knew of my relationship with marbles but this boy is amazing. I think these fish mack a fantastic pair and can't wait to see the results. :-)

    Again, this guy refuses to sit still.





  5. After losing my new Red CT boy I was pretty down last week. I shared what happened and received a very interesting pm from Jim (jha) saying he had a little surprise for me. Wouldn't give me any other info but said he was excited to see this line bred. To say I was surprised and touched by his generosity is an understatement.

    The pair arrived yesterday and settled into the barracks well. Have eaten a good feed of black worms and looking eager for the spawn tank. :-).

    First the girl. All the photos she looks metallic with a bit of red wash in her anal but IRL she is a metallic PURPLE. Most amazing color but impossible to catch on film. You will have to take my word (Jarrod and Jim are eye witnesses.).





    Both fish don't sit still. Hypo. Need a bump for boy. He is pretty special. :-).

  6. Welcome to the forum Joker. Not sure this is the fish for you if you want to cut down on tanks. Lol. I have had many fish over the years and my father had a "little" cichlid (use search function for "Mixed Cichlid tank" ) tank but I have NEVER had as many tanks as I do now. Admittedly they are small tanks but there are quite a few. :-).

    Be warned, these fish are addictive.

  7. Great setup. You must love the noise of bubbles ect. My wife says that every time the house is quiet (no kids or tv), she has to go to the toilet due to the barracks running and bbs hatching. Other end of house mind you. Lol.

    Very nice Ashley.

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