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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Last ones. Both Black Orchids.
  2. These guys cause the leaf damage to Amazon Swords. Wc has got them ready to go again. Wish they were a pair.
  3. Update. No co2 running anymore. These were taken before big water change and clean up. Trimming all val, removing 50% of the chain sword and general overhaul. I do nothing with this tank now, no additives at all and first wc in about 6 weeks.
  4. Welcome Chi. Sure you will fit in fine. We all love photos so please throw some up for us to look at. Don't be afraid to ask or respond to questions. Have a good look around, you may get some tips from the spawn logs. Sounds like you are doing ok anyway. :-).
  5. Wow Sarah. I am jealous. It looks fantastic. Canf wait until you fill them all. :-)
  6. Lol. That's not steep Harry, that's highway robbery. They are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them Matt. Just ask for offers. Did you try and artificially hatch and raise any?
  7. A few more of your "special" coffees and you will probably find out the meaning of life. Lol.
  8. Lol. Good to see you settle in to normal life after your trip Paul. :-)
  9. Found it Josh. :-). Check this out.
  10. Java fern is my favourite. Others will say Java moss as well but I kill it in all my tanks.
  11. Lol. Shadohs giant girl was "nasty". I find that once I jar a girl, she is no longer able to be in my community tank. Each time I have returned one, she turns agro. After a few days I have to remove them.
  12. Looks good mate. Rules are ment to be broken. :-). Just be aware that trouble could flare up at any time but hey, if it's working, leave em be. Without trying different things, we never learn. My father had so many different cichlids in the one tank, both African and American. Many people still don't believe me until I show pics. Have been accused many times in an aquarium of lying or the best "you must not know your fish, they would never live together". Lol. Not sure if you remember my black orchid spawn, I took dad out when the fry were old enough to JAR. Six or more weeks. :-)
  13. I have had girls do that right before spawning. On side, breathing rapidly. Look almost dead. :-). Hope they spawn soon.
  14. Fingers crossed for you Sarah. :-)
  15. Fantastic fish Sarah. Really hope you have some luck spawning them. :-)
  16. Thanks Les. All three are sisters. Not sure about the red one, very surprised with this fish. The white one with black fins will continue to change, give it a week or two and fins will cello out. I noticed that the red one went completely cello then slowly got a red/orange tinge about her, starting above the head that just keeps getting deeper in color with time. All these girls are in community tank so I have no plans to breed these girls. Might take one or both to next BA (Betta Australis) meeting for the table show. Tank totally overgrown ATM and needs a thin out. :-) For Les. Ps.....thanks for the comment, lots of views but no comments. Lol. Find it very strange regarding the red fish. All boys that cello'd out died slowly, not long after the change. Girls just power on. Would love to know why.
  17. Excuse reflection but this is the only shots that I got all three together. One in front of shot now looks almost red. This was the girl I last posted about. Girl at back is now completely white in the body with black fins. Also normal girl in shots as well. :-)
  18. A lot of shops won't accept any fish from the general public as they know how most people look after there fish. I wish I had a $ for Everytime someone has offered to show me their tank and I can see signs of disease in the tank. Most just respond by "that's why we are always buying fish to top it up. Seem to lose a few almost every week.". Even cichlid keepers do this. Very depressing really. :-(
  19. I think I can pick out my first boy. 90% sure he has just started to sprout, both caudal and anal fins. :-). So excited.
  20. Lol. I was only thinking of the angels eating the tetras. :-)
  21. Great idea Razzi. Thanks. Well done Matt. :-)
  22. Thanks Les. Two T8 globes and DIY Co2 when I can be bothered. None running ATM. :-)
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