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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Welcome to the forum mate. Lots of good advice to be had here. :-)

    Now for my 2c worth. Betta and goldfish require a lot different water conditions. This may work in short term but neither fish will thrive, survive maybe but not thrive.

    Second is that the male Betta should be separate from each other and from the girls. Again it may work short term but you may wake up one morning to dead fish. Boys may kill each other, may kill girls or even girls may kill boys. These are called fighting fish for a reason.

    Anyway, welcome. Hope you enjoy the forum. :-)

  2. Thanks peeps.

    @Razzi..... Been following what's happening. You guys been going in leaps and bounds. Well done. :-)

    @Ness..... Lol. That's the impossible question. I will know them when I see them. Jarrod has a real nice pair with my name on them. :-). Will keep looking for another pair as well.

  3. Would just like to say hi to all the "old timers" and all the new faces that are here. As I now have no betta (couple of female channoides still) and Shadoh and Betta_Lover been on my back (lol), I am getting ready to start again.

    Good to be back, hope to have some nice fish soon. Now the hunting for my perfect pair begins. ;-).

  4. Thanks. I have enjoyed spawning these fish and with the three adult fish helping raise the fry, it is different to anything else I have done. I did actually pick the different stages the fish went through, just didn't realise what the changes ment.

    The fry are growing well.

    I will be selling these when they are ready (a while yet :-). ). I already have a few shops lined up to take 10 at a time. There are LOTS in the tank.

    I am really enjoying this and love how easy it all is, so much easier and less stress than the Betta. It is a nice change.

  5. Thanks. Been many years since I have spawned fish other than Betta (approx 20+). Never really tried, just fish that spawned in community tanks.

    I seem to have caught the breeding bug. Once I have enough fry from these guys I will get rid of the pair and raise the fry.

    My next pair of fish will be a little more difficult. Then keep repeating the process. Eventually I would like a 6ft tank with Frontosia.

    Anyway, step one. Lol.



    This is only one group of them. There is also a smaller bunch still in the pit below this ledge.

  6. Saw this being discussed again on another forum so decided to put this together.

    Just what works for me. :-)

    Use 1.25ltr coke bottles. Best size for water flow.

    Approx 1 ltr water, add one tablespoon salt (I use sea salt flakes) and 1/2 teaspoon eggs.

    Best hint is spend the money on good eggs and store the eggs in the freezer once opened.


    Use light to attract them to the bottom. Hatched eggs float, unhatched sink. I wait for them to collect in the neck of the bottle.


    Syringe them out of the neck. Don't go too low as you don't want unhatched eggs.


  7. Just my honest opinion.

    Whenever I set up any new tank I rinse everything well. Fill and use prime. If no old filter material available to seed new filter I add bottle "good bacteria" stuff. Usually I don't have the bacteria stuff so I just add a few fish at first. Usually a catfish or two.

    I then do weekly 1/3 water changes and slowly add fish over a month or two. Never add more than six small fish (schooling tetras ect) or one pair of larger fish. This is for say a 3ft and I have never really lost too many fish.

  8. Pretty sure these guys are spawning ATM. Very interesting to watch. They are doing it in a tiny gap under a rock overhang.

    Three weeks of live bbs and blackworms was the key I think. :-). Very excited. Going to be hard to resist the urge to remove female after spawning. She looks after the eggs so I must resist. Lol.

    Definitely eggs.

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