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fletcher.rose@gmail.com's Achievements


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  1. Hi Shrine,

    Re. your post some months ago about marimo balls for sale...I just wondered whether you still have any? I can't trade, but I would like to buy some if you still have them.

    Cheers, Rose

  2. Thanks for the welcome messages folks, they are much appreciated! I'm fascinated by all aquatic creatures, not only fish, so some of my 'babies' would probably be seen as food supplies by other members of this forum...not that I wouldn't feed a few to fish if they needed them, that is, after all, the way nature intended things to be. I've only once attempted to keep any fish more exotic than cold-water species, some years ago, and that endeavour ended in tears, for the fish as well as me. I really didn't have the necessary knowledge...I was naive enough to believe that if I simply bought the equipment, the fish, and a book of instructions all would be well. At the moment I am away from home a lot, so I have no option but to stick to easy to keep species. It would not be fair to the fish to leave them alone for days and hope nothing would go wrong. I can ask a friend to care for simple cold water fish, but not exotics. Also, I need to spend time learning before I try again with any of the more delicate species.
  3. Hello all...not sure what to tell you about myself...I'm currently not breeding, and not well set up, since I'm in the process of gaining my first experiences of aquatic plants and creatures. Hoping to learn.
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