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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. happy birthday! Have a great day. :)

  2. This has moved onto bullying.. not transmitting parasites? I'm thinking of discus, and angels are a bit like female bettas. Say with a female sorority, no matter the number, sometimes you do get that bully and you just need to remove that one.
  3. Yeah they're going well, thanks. :)
  4. Um exuse me Nessy pants - I'M THE NINJA MASTER HERE. You are my young grasshopper. Learn yo place.
  5. I find that HILARIOUS. No more de-railing now missy. :P
  6. Done. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=13549
  7. As mentioned in my Fishroom thread, can angel fish and Discus be kept together? Compatibility and water level wise, yes. But Matt brought up this: My thinking is that transmitting disease to other fish can happen with any fish, regardless of species (although some are more known for it i.e., neon tetras). Is it simply a matter of quarantining new fish, and being careful of their source? Or is there something deeper, that lurks beneath the mix of angels/discus. Discussion thoughts?
  8. Yep, have noticed that, definitely one of my favourite things about them, it's quite obvious when something is up.
  9. Looking great, Bussy! You've done such a great job with this and it's paid off. Love the rummies, too. Have a few in one of my tanks and will definitely be getting more sometime.
  10. I was just thinking that 'Razzi, actually. Shall I make another one, or would it be better if you use your mod-powers to spilt this one?
  11. Ooh, then again - but what if the fish are healthy? With any combination of fish, you do run the risk of spreading disease and whatnot.. what's so bad about mixing these two? Besides this mixing disease, they're compatible.
  12. D'aw, 'Razzi. I'm sure yours will be awesome no matter the size! Please do post photos - don't be embarrassed at all, we'll love to see and I'm sure it's great! :D
  13. Really? Yan mixes hers and said it's fine if I do that?
  14. Please, we all know you whinge all day, doesn't seem to get you quite what you want (aka - chairs, better AC, Betta barracks finished, scorpions/axolotls gone, computer back in the office, etc etc etc)
  15. Thanks Ness, that's the plan! Haha, I'm a *slight* ( ) neat-freak/perfectionist, so that's definitely what I call "messy", although am aware it isn't quite everybody's call. But Yan, do they give you popcorn?
  16. Aah, thanks. Might use it as culture food... it's been in the back of the cupboard for years upon years, probably slightly stale, but I'm not tasting it to test that! Yanny, if you want to feel the "experience" of the fish room, feel free to come over anytime and share the water changes! I'll make you as much buttery popcorn/other junk food as you like.
  17. OK.. piccy time me thinks! Most of the work these past few days were moving the planted tank. Had to take EVERYTHING out, so it wouldn't crack when I moved it. Then setting it up/planting it again. Starting to clear up now.. forgot how much of a slow-go that was. The majority of the tanks are in the fish room now. Still have four in my bedroom, but none are running at the moment. Need stands built for them (currently were on my drawers). My largest tank, previously home to my axolotls, is staying in my room. Won't fit in the fish room, was going to pop it in the middle.. but that doesn't give much walkway and mum didn't like that idea at all. That's going to have angel fish and discus. The community tank is staying in the lounge room, it's nice there and the family like it. Getting a couple tanks from a guy from church, dad was talking to him and he was just going throw them out... sound like a couple 2fts. Also my sister's old marine tank (that's going next to the corner tank where you can see some of my junk is piled). Dad's working on the work cupboards, but until then most of my junk, er, equipment, is either piled on the far wall as you can see. I also have stuff still in my room, some in the laundry and a couple large tubs in the garden shed. BUT I do have my dryfood/med cupboard up, still have a few bits and bobs around the place that I need to pop in, too. Question: This stuff... floating pellet things... what eats this? I COULD crush it up and feed to the fish.. but without crushing it I don't own anything that will be able to get.. and the fish don't seem to be nibblers. If they were sinking it would make slightly more sense. Progress: Please excuse all the stuff over the place, pretty messy for the moment.
  18. Ooh like that Veiltail! Favicon.. hmm.. personally I like the lighter one.
  19. Thanks Jarrod! Just thought I'd ask, there's quite a lot there so would be such a shame to throw it all. I meant to double check with mum re chemicals, but she never uses any, so should be fine - thanks for reminding me. :)
  20. Our Frangipani tree has gotten Frangipani Rust, and mum's pulling all the leaves off.. but I have buckets outside where I've dumped plants in, and they are going wild (HM and tall vals). The yellowish-orange rust stuff have gotten all in the buckets, and basically covered most of it. Is there any way I can save the plants? I was going to put them in another tank once that was set up. Maybe a dip with PP?

  22. Strain the water?? Whyy mannnnnnnnn
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