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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. We have one nice nest, and now circling under it. Looking goooddddd.
  2. Bump! Very nice. So everybody knows that last girl is the female of the steel pair that Paige got from the raffle.
  3. Bubblewrap. Cut a square, maybe 10cm x 10cmish. Float it on the water surface... I duct tape it to the side so it doesn't float everywhere. I make two squares, and pop on bubble side down, and the other bubble side up, both next to each other. From previous nests/spawns, I've noticed the male will start nesting on the bubble side down. If he's one of those fancy nest builders all about size, he often continues to bubble side up. The bubble wrap looks like a pre made nest to females when the male hasn't started... seems to get them ready, at least that's what I think. Also gives her an indicator of where the nest will be, and being female - I'm sure she wants to know all the details! For the male it helps him get a start on the nest and hold it together. Often enough if a male sees a nest, he'll continue it and make it his own... although that's not always the case. I've used bubble wrap as a nesting media for maybe 2yrs, and haven't had a male make his nest elsewhere ever... so really good for those tricky males that hide and make their nest in an awkward spot for photos.
  4. Thanks guys. I put the girl back into the chimney basically straight away after my last post, only because I was going out and just got back. Didn't want to leave them unsupervised, especially since it was their first time being together. Harry, bubblewrap. I started using it ages ago, and never looked back. Better than foam cups/lids/IAL (even with a cork underneath to hold it up). I give them both bubbles down and bubbles up, bubbles down normally is the preferred section.
  5. Thanks guys. Just let the pair out, looks very promising. Lots of flirting and straight under the nest. LITTLE bit of chasing, but girl seems to like him straight up.
  6. Thanks for sharing Jarrod! Lovely little boy there, looks spoilt in that tank.
  7. From someone! Send her an email, she ships.
  8. Hoping in line quick are you Harry? They haven't spawned yet! But yeah, I'm happy to ship. Very happy to spread this strain around Aus.
  9. Thanks Harry. The quality of the photos really don't show them justice. And for those who saw them yesterday, they definitely look SO much better in the tank!
  10. This is the pair I got from the SSS raffle, donated by someone. HORRIBLE photos, I really need to end up moving the light into the fish room. But I often say "horrible photos are better than none", so taking my own advice.. better than nothing. Out of the pair, the girl is definitely my favourite. My HMPK and SD (well she's looking HM now actually!) girl weren't spawning, so they have been put on hold for this pair. Popped the male straight into the spawn tank and introduced the girl after giving them a night to settle in. Haven't checked on them since this morning (girl floating as you can see), I'll go down later. So yeah, bring on the fry! Quick video, awful quality sorry!
  11. Nice. Did you change your substrate? It looks like full sand.. rather than coco peat mixed in.
  12. Moooooorrrrwewweeeeeee
  13. WOAHHHH Awesome pics!! BUMP. What other tips were given?
  14. That's so sad. Unfortunately, people just don't bother to educate themselves when going to care for living animals. Often I hear people claiming they are "just fish". You would think at least they'd have the common sense to not get anymore fish until the others are ok... guess not. Common sense - it's not really common.
  15. Thanks 'Razzi, great idea. No advantage, typo there.
  16. Possibly, has been a little slow lately... AHAHAHA! Nice one. *lol*
  17. No worries, I have no issue with refreshing a couple times if it's just a minor glitch. Just thought I'd mention it incase it had something to do with coding/whatnot.
  18. No, just using the Mac's default browsers and not changing, mum would probably freak out that I'm going to break the computer (but if somebody in IT does the exact same thing as I do, it's all good). Wasn't sure if it was a browser issue or something else regarding the forum. Today was the first time it's done so, and we've had this computer/browser since February.
  19. Has happened to me a couple times today, as you can see the blue bits... if you scroll down the rest of the forum is just blue. Seems to work again after refreshing multiple times, just thought I'd let you know.
  20. Haha! We'll get you one day, Jarrod! I was very surprised when I convinced my mum to let me have some - she was EXTREMELY against them.
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